bending lines in Photoshop

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by do50, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    At work we need to bend lines in Photoshop (like one can in Paint)
    Can someone please tell me how? (Photoshop Help isn't available in the environment we're working in) Thank you!
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    you'll need to use the pen tool, which is actually a lot harder than it sounds.

    i'll post some screens in a minute.
  3. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    heres a brief tut:


    and what can be achieved:


    its kind of a brief description of how to use it, i'm by no means even intermediate using the tool, its actually very advanced, believe it or not.

    if you need any more help, i'll give what you need a go :)
    Exfoliate and do50 like this.
  4. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Glad you brought this one up Do, great job Waffles, that looks amazing. I always had major problems with the pen tool, I never really got the hang of making shapes that I really wanted, the only way I could was simple clicking one dot at a time untill they all connected as a shape.
  5. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    Uh oh. :eek: I think my problem may be a little more basic... I don't even SEE a pen tool. I'm in PS Elements. I tried HELP at home just now, and the only listing under Pen Tool is for stylus pressure.
    Does it trade places with other tools? PLEASE tell me it's here hiding somewhere.
  6. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    the castrated version of photoshop 7 through to CS2.

    sorry do, can't be done in that version as far as i know.

    if you would like to draw me a rough idea (in paint or whatever) of what you need done, i'll try and do it for you, and send you the file.
  7. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    Well, this is a little easier on the ego... I'm not staring right at it and not seeing it.
    Thanks for your generous offer, though! As it turned out, what people really needed was arcs of circles... and those we pasted from paint.
    I'll check out the other PS version at work tomorrow. I think it's 4.0.

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