British 'hacker' fears Guantanamo

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Matt555, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Full Story Here
    Interesting -- I watched the video and he claims he did no damage, only gained access (the computers were running Windows...typical...)
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    thats bloody ridiculas (i know its spelt rong, so leave me alone)
  3. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    As much as I think the guy should be punished if he did break the law, unless it's shown he was in league with terrorists, going to Gitmo seems a little over the top for hacking...
  4. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Yeah he admits gaining unauthorised access (over here that's about 2 years in prison) but he denies causing any damage or trying to access passwords and delete / alter important files.
  5. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Whats so special about Guantanamo?
  6. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Damn, they moved the page already! :(
  7. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    That's where the US is keeping some of it's prisoners from the War on Terror.
  8. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Very controversial prisioner of war camp. There have been many stories regarding the poor conditions, treatment, harrassment and racial abuse of people confined there. There have been numerous calls for the closure of Guatanamo. Nobody really knows what's going on inside because it's so closed off from the public

    Guantanamo Bay is no place for simple hacker. Guantanamo is no place for human beings
  9. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Well said, Megamaced. The US uses Gunatanamo Bay to hold certain prisoners so they can do what they like with them without any regard for the Geneva Convention or US law.

    ...all in the name of our "War on Terror"(tm)

    [ot]Speaking of terror, if the US government is interested in fighting against terror/terrorism, why do we have a "terror alert scale" based on completely arbitrary information? Even if the thing was valid, what can the American public really do given such vague information?[/ot]
  10. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    Well I think the idea of a 'terror alert' could be valid because it could be a way of coordinating the rest of the government. For example, based on the alert level, agencies like CIA, FBI, umm ... the pentagon, or even departments within those agencies could act/respond differently or decide to focus on different things. In that case, the public would just happen to know about it just like they just happen to know about where the President is going on a field trip to another country, for instance. In other words, it would not be something that's targeted at the general public, just something they're aware of. That could be a legitimate concept, I think. But I agree that what it is in reality is a bunch of bullshit.

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