Hard Disk Problem

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by N.Baskar, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. N.Baskar

    N.Baskar Geek Trainee

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    My hard disk and cd-rom does not show-up in BIOS and does not boot.I changed the hard disk to other PC where it works as slave and I am able to boot. But when I remove the master hard disk the slave disk neither shows-up in the BIOS nor boots.Need a solution to fix this.
  2. Ghostman 1

    Ghostman 1 Mega Geek

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    If you removed the Master , Did you reset the slave to Master when you hooked it up ? And install it on the First lead ?
  3. Qaiser

    Qaiser Geek Trainee

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    Failure in hard disk detecting may be because of several ways like system BIOS problem ,jumper setting , Boot order sequence, hard disk slot problem etc. You may now check these points and check your supply as well as.
  4. Sophia Christchurch

    Sophia Christchurch Geek Trainee

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    Try resetting the slave drive to the main drive of your PC or adjust the jumper settings maybe that will help...

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