HP Laptop continuous beeping on startup, computer boots

Discussion in 'Windows OS's' started by Mizshelli, May 5, 2011.

  1. Mizshelli

    Mizshelli Geek Trainee

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    Hi, I need some help. My HP G60-635DX Laptop is getting a continuous beep on startup. The computer boots but it takes a while, and the beep doesn't stop until the windows flag starts showing on the screen. When the computer gets to the desktop, the mouse jumps around, like when I click on My Computer, it opens something totally different. Also, when it starts, the hard drive LED on the front is blinking in time with the beeps. Can anyone help me fix this? It happened once before and HP got it to stop but now it's back and they won't help me!
  2. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    I was checking HP's website for a beep code, but couldn't find any. Apparently, you have to count the number of beeps or led flashes and call them so that they can assist you from there.
  3. Wildcard

    Wildcard Big Geek

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  4. Mizshelli

    Mizshelli Geek Trainee

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    unfortunately it's impossible to count the beeps, they are continuous for about 45 seconds. And my cursor jumps all over when I'm typing too. Thanks though!
  5. Mizshelli

    Mizshelli Geek Trainee

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    I figured out the beeping. It's the battery. Got a new one on order.
    Sniper likes this.

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