Mexican drug cartel crack down: Who's the security threat?

Discussion in 'The War Zone' started by Swansen, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    Seriously though, there is a MUCH easier answer to this than to invading a country, take away the market, its that simple. I believe most people start to use hard drugs because they have no idea what the side effects are, and because hard drugs are so addicting, it doesn't take much to be an addict. If we end the drug prohibition, we end the drug war, i mean honestly, more than half of what is being sold is Marijuana, if people were educated on the subject, and it was sold like cigarettes for example, the drug cartels would break down... I seriously can't even take this crap. Its just seems so illogical to me that kids aren't informed HIGHLY throughout school about hard drugs and their effects... Then again.. i guess we are through propaganda... BULL****

    U.S. moves against top Mexican drug cartel - International Herald Tribune
  2. II Gorn II

    II Gorn II Geek

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    were informed that weed is a gateway drug...but i don't remember if it was your video or my friend but I've been told its not now
  3. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    Weed is a gateway to heroin in the same way that a BB gun is a gateway to a Howitzer. Total bullshit -- and I don't even smoke anymore.
  4. II Gorn II

    II Gorn II Geek

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    i just listen to what my friends tell me sense almost everyone of my friends smoke weed

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