8800 gts... gltiches/low FPS, whats the problem????NEED HELP

Discussion in 'Video Cards, Displays and TV Tuners' started by jaredc, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    I just purchased a 8800 gts 320 mb KO version from EVGA. I installed it and updated it with the drivers from EVGA's site. Now here's my problem, in some games it will run fine, others will have glitches or low fps.

    For instance...

    In oblivion- with graphics set all the way up, whenever i'm outdoors the grass will just turn into big washed out areas of green almost like big plates of green hovering over the land. (when i turned the grass distance down it fixed the problem.
    -Also in oblivion with bloom on, people's faces, and areas in the game look unnaturally bright (i don't think its normal for the game).
    -Again in oblivion, peoples faces will have texture glitches where areas seem smudged across the face etc.

    Battlefield 2142- I can run the game around 70fps when nobody is around, but as soon as i get into any action it dips down to the mid thirties for fps. (i have DSL internet, thought i've never heard of internet affecting fps) There are no noticeable glitches in the game.

    Battlefield 2- No glitches, but i only get like 40-70 fps!! i've seen benchmarks of ppl getting way over 100.

    Farcry- Game runs roughly around 130 fps, but the lighting is VERY VERY off. When outside looking at walls, they are almost pure white, washed out. When in caves the walls are very very bright, all lighting is off, and colors of the cave walls seem off. (i tried to fix it in the games settings but this did not fix the problem)

    Counter Strike Source- I can only run this game at 40-50 fps!!! I didn't notice any glitches. But i don't think that is right at all.

    Supreme Commander- I get around 60 fps zoomed in, but as soon as i build things and have a large base the game goes down to 30-50 fps (this may be normal.. idk). no noticable glitches in this game.

    COD2- Only get around 20-30 fps!!! I've seen benchmarks with people getting well over this.

    Ok so there are a variety of games and the problems i've encountered. I think the cause of this may be the cheap power supply that came with my case.
    Welcome to Apevia.com APEVIA X-Discovery Metal Case w/ Side Window-Black

    But i'm not sure if a PSU would cause those kinds of problems. So my question is... Would a power supply cause those kinds of problems in games?, or am i looking in the wrong direction. If you don't believe it is the PSU then what else could it be.


    And one side question that i've been wondering about

    Can my internet connection speed affect FPS in online gaming?, i currently download things @ around 140 kb/s (i have dsl)
  2. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    anyone?... lol please help
  3. OnStock

    OnStock Geek Trainee

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    Well, game performance not always depend on what system you have.

    Make sure your applications don't conflict / you don't have viruses which can affect your gaming perfomance negatively

    Or you are running games on high resolution. As well as i know, 320 MB version won't give much fps on high resolutions.

    PSU can be reason - not giving enough power will result lower fps.
  4. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    Well i've been running spybot and AVG for the life of my system so i doubt that a virus would cause this.

    And benchmarks show that the 640mb card only gains advantage on MASSIVE resolutions, i'm only running 1400 by 900. In fact benchmarks show my overclocked card to run a couple fps faster than the regular 640 version.

    I'm fairly sure i'm just gonna get a new power supply.
    Newegg.com - Rosewill RP500-2 ATX 2.01 500W Power Supply 115/230 V CSA, CB, TUV, FCC, UL - Retail
    I think this card should supply enough power. I don't plan on doing SLI in the future.

    what do you guys think?

    Oh and i'm still wondering if ping can affect online games FPS
  5. Warmonger41

    Warmonger41 Big Geek

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    I have never heard of ping affecting fps either, but just to test if it is affecting it, try playing bf2142 on single player and see if you get the same fps.

    I don't know much about psu's but wouldn't use a case psu with a system like that.
    How much did the case and psu cost if you don't mind me asking?
  6. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    well a highspeed broadband connection will not affect fps but lagging will affect it you are using evga drivers, but just the names are evga

    some drivers are not giving the real performance of the card so consider using ngo optimised ones (ATI Radeon HD2900 HD2600 HD2400 X1950 X1650 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 8600 8400 7950 7600 - nVIDIA Geforce 8800 8600 7950 7900 7600 GT GTX ATi Radeon HD 2900 XT x1950 x1900 2400 2600 XT Pro - Guru of 3D: PC Hardware Reviews)

    also system info is important if you are using the card with an athlon 64 3200+ etc it won't give the result on the papers in front of you beacuse gaming tests are usually done with conroe 6600/6700 or fx62/70 etc. and about 4 gb of rams under optimised o.s.

    so don't care them
  7. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    Warmonger: My case costs around 100$.

    Also, i played BF2142 singleplayer, and still got FPS like i would get online, maybe a LITTLE higher, but probably only because the game only allows 15 bots for single player.

    So it HAS the be the power supply.

    Yesturday i ordered the X-Finity 500watt.
    Ultra X-Finity 500-Watt ATX 120mm Fan SATA-Ready SLI-Ready Black Power Supply ULT31845 at TigerDirect.com

    It has 34 amps total on the 12v rails... so that should be better than my current psu which has like 18 amps on one 12v rail.... :doh: lol
  8. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    in reply to dracos- CPU speeds matter less and less with games nowdays. If you look at statistics... again lol... you can see that the FPS are maybe 1-5 fps higher on those high end chips. And same with ram, you may see small increases in game performance (depending on game). but not a significant difference.

    I'll let you guys know what happened when i get my new psu.
  9. waffles

    waffles Geek Trainee

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    lol, it's definitely your power supply. I have the same power supply, it's great and cheap :chk:

    Anyhow, the system 'recommended' requirements for the 8800gts include 28amps on the 12v railing...so the performance should go to what it should be once you get the new psu.
  10. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    well there is a big difference between athlon 64 and x2 cores at gaming and this difference is bigger when we consider smithfield and conroe cpus (like %25), right ;)
  11. jaredc

    jaredc Geek Trainee

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    i have a AMD 4200 X2. and again statistics show that between cards like mine, and the c2d, there is not that big of a difference in fps in games (only around 1-3 fps depending on game). However on games like supreme commander, ya then the power of the c2d will kick in and deliver the high performance even as the amount of units in the games climbs.
  12. Dracos

    Dracos Geek

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    well dual core cpu's don't make too much difference, as the process cycle is uptermed by 4

    but when we compare a p4 prescott 2.8 with a core 2 duo 6400 etc. , i mean this will make the difference if he is using a p4 2.8, and the considered test are generally made with athlon fx 62 or fx70, that will make a clear difference

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