Survival Game

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by edijs, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    I enjoy watching shows like Dual Survival, Man vs Wild, Survivorman. Todays DX11 gives quite some room for a possibility to create very vivid environments.

    How about this: I think that it would be both educational and interesting to have a RPG-like game with a vast explorable world (several locations) where one would have to survive. Survival would be some vitals that drop and need to be refueled (Hidration, Body temperature, Energy(food), morale(fire, success, food)). Of course, that this wouldn't be something for the mainstream gamer, but that can be changed by adding something like a story - you're a special ops soldier and have to stalk a central american rebel camp for 3 days before you can take a shot at some high ranking dude.

    This game could include tips from army veterans and/or popular survival experts etc.

    Just sad I am not so much into writing/modifying graphical engines :D

    Needed to write that down.
  2. Lian

    Lian Gaming Legend

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    Sounds like Sims :p

    Nice idea i can understand where you're coming from. I'm sick of all the MMORPG's where it simply about grinding loads of creatures just for the sake of increasing level numbers..... Dev's try to sugar coat it soo much with flashy effects or with storyline, but end of the day the aim of 90% of MMORPG's is just to grind to gain levels.

    I'm not saying they should take it out (otherwise that wouldn't be an MMORPG), just saying that the primary goal of the game could be concentrated on something else rather than leveling. Leveling should be secondary or tertiary goal!
  3. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    It would have a lot of other elements as well - Sims being one of it. It could be a kind of RPG, FPS, and strategy (like conserve the water that you have, don't eat all your food at once because that'll dehydrate you - eating small amounts over time is a lot better and much more efficient ).

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