Bluetooth LAN Access point

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by dorai007, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. dorai007

    dorai007 Geek Trainee

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    Hey there i need serious help man.Ive got to get the bluetooth access point to pair up wif my mobile phone which i have done it(pairing) and now it seems i have to connect to a server via the lan access point to send text messages and im suppose to use JSP...ive no knowledge of jsp..some1 plz help me!!
  2. max12590

    max12590 Masterful Geek

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    Uhhhh, could you explain your situation more clearly?
  3. dorai007

    dorai007 Geek Trainee

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    ok projects objective is to make VOice calls(VoIP) over bluetooth using mobile phones.So our scope is to use J2ME to work on a Client-server application that would enable a mobile phone(nk6600) to communicate with a bluetooth accesspoint and to a remote server thus making it a wiressless 3 way connectivity(mobile phone-bluetooth access point-server).Thus using bluetooth im suppose to retrieve signals(in my case text wld be fine) from the server to the mobile phone via the access point.The emphasis here is bluetooth for J2ME,which ive some how or rather figured how it works(Bluetooth API for J2ME).But now the problem is im suppose to pair my bluetooth-enabled phone with the access point and then communicate with a remote server and do basic stuff like retrieve (names,telephone nos) to and fro.The bluetooth LAN access point acts as the base as it communicates both ways by retrieving and sending information to and fro.
  4. max12590

    max12590 Masterful Geek

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    Ok I'm really sorry but I have no knowledge of mobile phones or how they work. Somebody else is going to have to help you.

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