Blue ray burner

Discussion in 'Storage Devices' started by Swansen, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    holy shit are they crazy, like seriously why would someone buy this, although it does look very slick, lol $12 dollar savings
  2. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Yeah that's pretty extravigant, it would cheaper than getting a stand alone player but apparently it doesn't play movies according to the reviews so it's kind of pointless aside from massive backup purposes. If that wasn't unexciting enough the other write speeds are far from impressive so it's not the kind of thing I'd want as my only optical drive.
  3. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    right, i don't know why it wouldn't play movies, youd probably need software but i'd think it would work fine. Yes those are some really sweet speeds, oh man when the day comes or if it comes and games or on them and all that it will be sweet
  4. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Well the ps3 will ship with a blue ray drive, although we won't see games using it at full capacity just yet.

    EDIT: On a side note, look at that first guy's comments. Is he being sarcastic or something ?
  5. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Yeah the first guy is definately screwing around, 99 pcie slots or whatever, riiight....
    The second guy pretty much summed it though I belive, "aren't any video cards capable of HDCP out there. What a waste." Though I think it's actually the monitor that also needs to be HDCP aware as well.
    As for Blueray's capacity it's naturally not being used to it's full extent yet but I don't doubt that it will. Resistence Fall of Man takes up over 22gigs and that's a first generation PS3 game. A single layer BR disk holds 25gigs so that's pretty good use of space, though dual layer will be hard to fill for a little while. But 22gigs is already more than a single layer HD DVD can hold so sony was smart to opt for this technology as games will only grow in size.
  6. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    yeah dual layer blu-rays hold somethine like 60gigs right
  7. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    50gigs for dual layer, 25 for single, HD DVD is 15/30 so you can see the advantage.
  8. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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  9. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    This is kind of where I base my info off of: - Definitions - What is Blu-ray? That site seems to contradict itself, at one point it says up to 27 for single and 50 for dual (which makes little sense) and then it says 27/54. But I'm pretty sure it's 25/50. The weird thing is if a 25gig disk holds only about 2hours of HD video how are 15gig HD DVD disks fitting the movie on there at all?

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