this siggy i made was for me on my forum, thats why it says admin lol took me a long time ot make it^^^^^^^^ got bored so i made thins: and then i folowed a tutorial and made this i also made the pipes
Well those are officially amazing! Great work dude, I have no idea how you made those, wouldn't even know where to start. Doesn't even look like photoshop to me it's so good.
thanks! for the top one its just a few simple things, belnding, rectangles, gradients, and belnding options, and the pipes are actually, some lighting effects, and then circle brushes over it.
hehe, my first ever bar forum forum (first ever thing i made on photoshop) propor one i made first ever siggy i made another one and again modded 28 days later somthing else
chavvish banner retro clubbish blink182 rocks wet blink
kool, ty, i thought i wasent that good at photoshop becouse you should see what some people can do, there like amazing at photoshop.
Lol wow maybe I cant count but there seems to be more than three photoshop projects in here And your much better at photoshoppin than me any day of the week.