Yea a tut would be good if there isn't one. One constructive criticsm i may add is that the text is quite hard to read over Corey (how the hell do I know his name,ive never listened to slipknot!?!?!) as the colours are similar. That may just be down to me being picky or having crap eye-sight. It's cool! Also does it not need a stroke around the rectangle?
nice critisicm, and you should listen to slipknot! specially their stuff of their 3rd album, its not like the other stuff, its peaceful and calming...
Love the sig and love the song it came from! I like your choice of mask too for Corey, IMO his Iowa and Self-titled masks look better than his Vol 3 mask. Meh, maybe I've got a liking for dreadlocks. And a tutorial for that kinda thing would be awesome, I wouldn't mind being able to do that myself.