The code:- attached .txt, tried putting it in a code box.... but it applied the :swear: formtting anyway! *should* make a nice end to my sig, sorta like this:- ____________________ __________________ ____________________ __________________ ____________________ __________________ the bars on the left, i want at the left! the bars in the middle, i want in the middle! the bars on the right, i'm sure you get the idear! (if you notice, the middle bars are a diffrent size from the bars on its level) It does sorta work like i want it, just there on diffrent :swear: lines, like this!:- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Am i trying to get too much from BBcode? hah:
I see what your trying to do but I don't think it would be possible without adding HTML, Sorry. If anyone else has any ideas, please post.
Nice and efficient! Why doesn't Hardwareforums have html! Large sites lite MySpace manage it, Ive have tried, in many diffrent ways to get "<script>alert ("Im gay, Leave a sexy comment!")<script>" into many peoples profiles All that hase to be done is impliment filters that remove <script> (or replace it with ..>) and the alike (frames, Java etc, so you cant load a site with scripts on it). Or Only allow you to post messages with formatting ( <P>, <BR>, <Center> etc ) between the < & >'s It would allow me (and others) to be much more creative with the sigs and posts. You just have to be carefull about malformed html, which IE likes to repair and then it could run scripts (ie make sure the filters catch it, by repairing it first!) I will leave this comment here for any "This is why not's" Before i post it in suggestions!
Because HTML could essentially allow bad people to do bad things, not to mention screw up the layout of the site if the syntax is not perfect. (is the reason I found from googling). Plus, for one signature it really isn't worth messing around with imho.