BIOS Recovery failiure

Discussion in 'CPU, Motherboards and Memory' started by RoshanX, Apr 30, 2003.

  1. RoshanX

    RoshanX Geek Trainee

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    I have recently tried to update the BIOS of my PC and made the motherboard UNUSABLE. :D (it won't boot......and gets stuck display...nothing....).

    When I tried to recover the BIOS , by changing the BIOS recovery jumper and inserting the BIOS flash diskette in the drive, it gives the following errors.

    Initially it says that the keyboard is locked. Then,

    System security - keyboard is unlocked
    186 security hardware control logic error
    your system is now locked.
    Turn power to your system OFF and then ON.

    The machine is an IBM Netvista 6842-60J. Help ......
  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I haven't worked on IBM PC's specifically, but I would get ahold of them and see if they can help. Ultimately, you may have to buy a new BIOS chip, and these typically run around $30 USD.

    Before we go through all that, though: if you cleared CMOS, make sure you put the jumper back to it's original position. ;) If this doesn't work, get ahold of IBM and see what can be done.

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