BSOD with winXP

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by theultimatechuff, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. theultimatechuff

    theultimatechuff Geek Trainee

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    Blue Screen Of Death!! With XP!! Never heard of such a thing.

    (Im pretty sure this is a hardware issue but if im wrong - sorry mods)

    Can someone please help. While doing a processor intensive task windows XP Pro crashes and a blue screen with white text appears. The text is something along these lines:

    Does this ring any bells? Tried removing RAM modules and going to try improved cooling. Am I barking up the wrong tree? Any help would be much appreciated.


    PS - It's been a while but thanks for the extra 'f' -=Sniper=-. :D I feel whole once more.

    Edit (Duh!): - System specs:
    AMD 1.4GHz
    512MB PC133
    40GB HDD
    WindowsXP Pro
    Audigy Player
    erm... Radeon 7500 (i think)
  2. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    Try upgrading your motherboard's bios. I've tried searching for procesor.sys in both the MSDN and Technet cd's but haven't found a mention of it so I'm guessing it's something wrong with the m/b judging just by the name of the file.

    I've had XP blue screen on 3 events so I wouldn't worry too much. One was upgrading my Audigy Platinum's drivers and it would cause Devldrv32 to crash causing a memory dump for ntkernal, also both edonkey and a hack of the Detonator drivers to add support for the Asus features of my old v7700 so while it is rare it still happens and it's usually either by a programs memory leak or a bad driver/bios update.
  3. theultimatechuff

    theultimatechuff Geek Trainee

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    Thanks matey, was thinking along the same lines - tried latest 4in1 drivers from VIA, will update BIOS. Thanks. Any other ideas would be welcome tho. (Elite K7VZA - VIA Chipset)
  4. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Strange, I had that motherboard a while back, had to return it because I had allot of problems with.

    what kind of processor intensive task are you doing, if you don't mind me asking?

    PS; NP about the extra "f" :cool:
  5. theultimatechuff

    theultimatechuff Geek Trainee

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    Yeah ive heard bad things about the board, i have a K75SA and no probs, if they are still going cheap ill maybe suggest he gets one.

    erm, initially my friend encountered troubles doing his film production stuff on it. Using Adobe After Effects and rendering things.

    Ive been playing Counterstrike on it as his Radeon 0wns my TNT2 :rolleyes: and that has caused several crashes - not exactly processor intensive.

    Thanks once again.
  6. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I've not been very fond of ECS boards myself, as they tend to be rather picky about what you put in with them, such as modems and a sizeable power supply. They apparently like larger power supplies, like 400W--or so I'm told anyway.

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