And just think it wasn't that long ago when this card went for $450+, no snag it for just a bit over $200 on newegg.
Jesus Christ! Just goes to show that the SECOND new hardware such as video cards come out, they're old news. Can't keep up with the developers. Seems that the software is running the hardware. And time a new big game shows up, they need to make a new video card that works "especially well" with that game. Remember Doom 3 and Half-Life 2? Ouch..that was crazy.
So true, though after a few months it works out for the consumer, those two battling firms knock the prices down low enough that even dudes like you and me could concider it...almost.
Hahahah..even then...I'm such a cheapo. I doubt I'll upgrade in a loonnnggg time . My computer seems fine (I do miss it though). I wish laptops were easier to upgrade. This Dell Latitude D610 could use some "improvements". Yeechh...
But remember it was so good it ran Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds too fast! Now that means you've got something mighty mean under the hood for sure.