One of the things that I experience here and no where else is choppiness...that is to say that when I scroll or when pages load it's not's choppy like an old B movie, frame by frame...not sure how else to describe a slide show....the images run into each other. Don't know why it's like that, but it always has been...and it's peculiar to this forum ( that is to say I don't have this same problem anywhere else ). any possible explanations? Eg
Hi ninja, But if it was a driver issue...wouldn't I be having these problems on other sites?...this problem only exists here, I've never had it happen anywhere else...and I've always had this problem here. So...if it's not happenning to anyone else then what could be causing this conflict...? By the way...hope everything is well! Eg
hmm that's kind odd. I'd clear my cache and cookies. What video card do you have everything's been going pretty good, this site's been getting a lot of posts lately
Hi ninja, Glad everythings going's out must make it even better! I've tried clearing my cache...many times before ( I'll try the cookies...maybe I got some bad cookies? But I know I've cleared the cookies least four times...and it's always the same ) card-inbred SIS something or other...nothing fancy...but again, if it was the video card, why only this site? Maybe I'm missing something I need for this kind of board? Invision Boards work fine, so do VBulletin, do you know a site that you can link me to that has the same kind of board as this? To see if I have the same problem...if I do then we've narrowed it down to some kind of conflict with this type of board. It may not affect you guys because you have newer and more advanced systems than mine. Thanks, Eg
Hmm how strange I have no ideas other than ninjas but I do not seem to get choppiness. What theme are you using? Have you tried the other one to see if you get the same effect?
I get it sometimes, if I'm doing some extreme multi-tasking. Music, photoshop, burning a CD, then internet crawls to a halt and the page moves around like a snail. How is your scrolling set in windows? Smooth or the other one (cant remember)? Perhaps thats it.. "Use smooth scrolling", I believe.
Hi 01bolandn, Yes...I've tried both themes, and still the same. Hi Waffle, It's not a question of slowness...the pages scroll just as fast, it's just that you get images that run into each you a slide effect...choppiness...hard to explain otherwise...and I do have smooth scrolling on, I remember I had checked that when I had ( and still have ) mouse/cursor problems. It's always been annoying...but being relatively new to the world of computers and the net...I assumed, at first, it was normal.....but at the time I was posting here regularly there wasn't very many other places I went to compare ( there was only three or four sites I'd visit while online : this site, Canada411, Black Viper, Windows 2000, and, of course, links from this site ), so I just accepted it. But since then I've been around the net and noticed that it only happens when I come here...and it makes it so that I'm reluctant to even bother coming...because, as I said, it can be annoying. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Eg EDIT: I think I discovered the culprit...don't know why I never tried this before...I've been on Firefox almost since the beginning, so I tried my Mozilla browser and same problem...then IE, and no problem... so...on IE I don't have the choppiness but on Firefox and Mozilla I do...all have pop-up blocker on. So...why Mozilla and Firefox?...and it's still only this site?
A new FireFox update maybe? version 1.05 can't hurt if you don't already have it. There's also a smooth scrolling option in FireFox under Tools>options>advanced, worth a shot but I didn't notice much difference myself
Hi Exfoliate, I changed it from auto scrolling to smooth scrolling like you the browser...but it doesn't solve the problem...or do I have to restart the computer for it to take effect? Thanks, Eg EDIT: Yes...I am using the latest version 1.0.5
Hi Exfoliate, It's definitely's been narrowed down to some kind of Mozilla/Firefox issue with this forum... because IE works fine, and this is the only forum affected... but it can't solely be a Mozilla/Firefox issue either or everyone with those browsers would be experiencing the same it's a problem that affects only must be a conflict at my end. I'd spike you a ' Helpful Post ' but I don't see where to do that here. Thanks, Eg
Thanks for the offer, sadly certain threads don't have this option for some reason so I'll have to live without the point. Thanks anyway. Have you tried different resolutions?
I think Anti-Trend has a similar problem to you, I use Firefox but don't have any problems, I've also viewed the site on other computers but can't replicate the problem. I can't remember if anyone else has had the same problem in the past?
Hi Sniper, must know what I'm talking about if you've seen it but just can't replicate it...that's good to know because it's a little difficult to explain it to someone who's never really seen it. It's not a big deal...kinda in the same vein as my cursor problems ( which incidently still hasn't been resolved )...they're both annoying...but tolerable...most of the time. Exfoliate...I hit you up in another thread. Thanks Guys, Eg AT...maybe you can explain what the problem is...or share some insight into what it might be? I might not be a regular contributing member anymore but I do visit this site from time to time and make the occasional post, so it would make my visits more pleasant if I didn't have to chop my way through each page.
It sounds to me like the culmintaion of many problems. First of all, do you have a slow connection? If so that could be part of it. Then add in that maybe Mozilla/Firefox has a small bug that causes this problem, but not enough to notice. Then you add in the fact that maybe this type of board is more intensive than others or that some signatures are quite large, and you get quite a bit of lag. Just a thought.
Hi max, I had thought about those...but...if it were a bug in the browser or a slow connection...then this site wouldn't be the only one affected. It's like I'm scrolling faster than the page can get the effect of double images while scrolling, which makes it look choppy. I also get permanent double images in the arcade...meaning I'll get two sets of game board directly below the a mirror image of just the board and not the whole page. I don't think it has to do with signatures because it does it even when I've disabled signatures. This site does have more links than any other site I attend ( over 50 on this page )...could that be a problem? Eg
Egaladeist, go to and untick Show Images (including attached images and images in code) instead of images it will show links. let me know if that helps.