Congratulations to Exfoliate for becoming the first user to get 100 helpful posts, as a result and surprise we decided to give out a prize. He has won Half Life 2 Collectors Editions + Half Life 2 Shirt In A Tin Box Also I would like to take this opportunity tell you about a new rule, which is that you are no longer allowed to have in your signature which tell/ask users to click the Thanks button. As I have added a message under each post for the thread starter telling them if they found the post helpful to click the thanks button. Hardware Forums Team
Congratulations Ex! This, the final chapter in the Ex vs. zRock saga. Well, if the shirt doesn't fit I would be glad to take it
damn ex haha, im next on the list, any second place prize haha just kidding way to go man if im recall you were just going for 110! lol awesome
Thanks so much Sniper for the prize and all of you for any questions I could answer and you're willingness to press the button. Sorry Z, I just wanted it so bad dude, very close race though. Any 500 thanks prize
Dammit! I thought they were e-mailing me to inform me that I won the game. Ah well... Congratulations. Well done. Burn me a copy. Just kidding! lol
its so inspirational haha expecially when im 20 behind, damn i have to catch up or he'll win the 200 times helpful prize haha
Got it today, after I got back from vacation it was there on the table. Sweet tin and guide book. Can't wait to play HalfLife 1 Source. The shirt is cool too as to the average person it's just a black shirt with a random symbol on it. But to a gamer it's like a cross. You rock Sniper!!!!:good: Thanks everyone