I'm sure its possible. I've finally worked out how to install php/apache and mysqlAdmin on my pc, and get it setup so as http://localhost/ now displays php coded scripts without the need to host it on a webserver. My question: I want to start trying out scripts that require the use of entering data in to sql tables etc, such as user registration. How would I go about creating a database in sql 'offline'? I've got my create table code, but I'm not sure how to create a database offline, I've been using phpMyadmin which does all the hard work for you. Cheers, I can try and explain more if I didn't do a great job.
I use the setup from here for all my testing off-line http://www.apachefriends.org/en/ download @ http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html#641
Nice, thanks. How do I connect and create a database now, offline? EDIT: Found phpMyAdmin..went to localhost and it's all nicely laid out And also, would it be possible to upload any databases and tables to the webserver once testing was complete?