If I'm right, then there should be DivX support in one of the latest PS3 firmware updates. But if I want to play a DivX file (or an avi file encoded with DivX), then it says Unsupported Data. Is this some kind of bug?
PS3 doesn't support all DIVX files yet, i get the same problem every now and then, i try and only download or encode video files to mpeg-4 to be on the safe side. Nothing more annoying then sitting down just about to watch a great movie and being greated with "unsupported data"
Even then, it doesn't support all MPEG-4 files ether, the problem is Sony has little support for video codecs, and there are a myriad of them. Honestly, i don't understand why they don't just use an open source video player, and get it to run on the PS3. I have SO many problems trying to view ANY video other than DVD video on the PS3. Like even video from google. I found a fix for MP4 files Fix PS3 TVersity "Data Type Is Not Supported" Error on MPEG-4 Files | Code Retard