If you have played the 360 yet, what is your favourite game on it so far, and what do u think in the future will be the best. Personally I like COD 2.
King kong...only because its the only games ive played. I played it in Virgin Megastore at Times Square NY...ahh that was fun.
I have only played two games; Madden 06 and COD2, and both have blown me away. I can't choose between the two. But both supply an enjoyable experience both on and offline. NBA 2K6 and Perfect Dark: Zero are next for the collection.
So far most of my playtime has been devoted to NFS:MW so I'll give it my vote for right now followed by Madden '06 and Perfect Dark Zero.
NBA 2K6 is pretty sweet now that I've sat down and got to play it thoroughly. PDZ disapointed me in terms of its single player, but the multiplayer more than makes up for it. Condemned: Criminal Origins is gonna be my next purchase.
Yeah I never got a chance to play one but one of my friends who, out of the the whole school, was the only one to get a 360 on lauch date. He bought like 8 games for it too. His favs are Condemned, COD2, Perfect Dark 0, and Quake 4.
Yeah I read that a lot of people found it unplayable and graphically buggy, though one of my friends is near the end now and loves it, no probs in his opinion so go figure.
Well, got my 360 today and had to pick between a choice of Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo or Condemned. Well I knew I'd like PDZ so I'd want to try a game I wasn't too sure of, so I asked a friend at work and he said all three were excellent choices which didn't help, but he told me about Kameo and Condemned so I went for Condemned. So currently that makes Condemned my favourite game. As for the other 360 games out, I don't want to try King Kong as it's not getting very good ratings, Quake 4 is already good on PC, as is COD2, although Dead or Alive 4 looks very good, as does Ghost Recon. Those will be games on my list when they come about.
Haven't read up on Ghost Recon but Gears of war should be amazing. The Unreal 3 engine at work will be a dream for sure. Hope it comes out this year anyway.
I'm really looking forward to Ghost Recon, even though it'll be the first Rainbow 6 game I've played since the original, and the first Tom Clancy game since Splinter Cell 1. But on topic, I've got some more games, Dead or Alive 4, Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero, but I still think Condemned is the best.
What are your impressions of PD0? That's the one I was most looking foward to (and would buy first if I had a 360).
PD0 is a really good game, no idea what the first game was like so I can't compare it but it's one of the better FPS games I've played, a bit like kill.switch as far as taking cover most of the time goes, plus there's a few ways to complete the missions, and if you get lost a route gets planned and laid out in front of you so you can get to your objective all the time.
Sweet, thanks man, sounds like it should be a winner in my book. The only negitive thing I've heard is for some reason you can't jump?
That's true, you can't jump, nor can you lay prone, you can only stand and crouch, which does mean you can't vault over rails/boxes, rather you have to find a way round them. Another small problem with cover is that you have to look at the object of cover for a few seconds before getting the option to use it, which is really bad in a firefight when you're getting shot up and running from a wall to some boxes for cover. Other than those minor flaws it's still an amazing game, looks brilliant too.
Well that doesn't seem so bad, I'm sure PD3 or whatever will take those things into account:good: Thanks man.
Anytime man, I'm told the game is amazing on Live! too, but, not being a Live! gamer I wouldn't know. I wonder if someone will get me the wireless networking adaptor for my birthday (HINT HINT) (Post number 666, mwahaha! )