Ok now we all know what the greatest game of all time is (HL2) But which game was it that u have really enjoyed playing the most, it doesn't have to be the game with the best graphics or level design, which game did u find fundamentally fun to play? and why? Me? Probably the first time i played hl1, i was blown away by the amount it immersed u into the game, especially the grunts AI... i played it on my sisters computer because she was too scared to play it.. great game!!! what about u guys?
Pfft... HL2, yeah right. Look at the sig. Best game of all time... that's a tricky one, there isn't a universally best game, so there's one for each platform. PC: Fallout 1 PS2: Black Xbox 360: Condemned Xbox: Fahrenheit Dreamcast: Skies of Arcadia SNES: Super Metroid Gamecube: Metroid Prime GBA: Metroid Zero Mission DS: Nintendogs PSP: Prince of Persia Revelations
Oh man that game is addictive, I sat there for hours playing it on my cousins Pink DS (a girl) - My family was taking the mick outta me as I was really 'into' it, I love that game!
Chrono Trigger - incredibly enjoyable and replayable RPG with likeable characters and an enthrawling storyline. If you haven't played it before, try it! P.S. - There are 10 different endings depending on how you beat the game, and once you've beat the game you can replay it with your existing equipment and experience.
[start_sarcasm] Playboy: The Mansion easily. Animated women, Hugh Hefner, lame storyline, who could want more from a game? [/end_sarcasm]
, Beyond Good and Evil really did it for me. The game had one of the best, most impressive stories for a video game. I really got attached to the characters and the gameplay was just fresh and unique. Too bad it didn't sell many copies. There are older games that I love but I mention them all the time so I'll just omit them here. I also love the Ratchet and Clank and Burnout series. Good stuff that.
honesty i'd have to say most games for PSX are my favorites, don't really know what happended but i could buy any games for the playstaion and it was sweet, but not so much for the ps2, anyways i can't really decide on a certain game but a few i really liked morowind chronocross FFVII FFIX legends of mana legends of dragoon legends of legaia and dual saga metal gear solid lastely the dot.hack series
Yeah metal Gear solid is great, I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty which is a pretty cool game, well concieved, very long, and more cut scenes then I've seen in any other game.
Depends what type of game it is...If im playing a football game I just want to play the actual game don't want to watch characters playing but in a game with a story behind the I think cut scenes are essential
I'm getting a bit off topic here but it depends on how good the cutscenes are though. In games like Armed and Dangerous they're usually really funny so you want to watch them. Other games give you mission details that you'll need and some games like Devil May Cry just have cool looking ones that are fun to watch. Metal Gear Solid have some nice plot details but by the latter part of the game the overly emotional and bloody weird feel got pretty old and there was litterally a 30+ minutes stretch where characters explained a ton of obscure details about the plot through a very boring "nanocommunication" format, which is essentually two portraits talking with text appearing below screen. So in the end the game was about 60% game play, 40% cutscenes which is a bit much I'm afraid.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence!! (new school) Double Dragon ( old school: NES version) runners up: The legend of Zelda series, Resident Evil 0,1,2,code veronica, and 4....i specifically left out part 3...ughh...... I've been playing metal gear since nintendo back in the 80s. Sure the US got watered down versions, but i remember beggggging my uncle to let me play his Nintendo. I couldn't afford one, as i was roughly 5 years old, and my mom bought the first metal gear just so i could watch HIM play it. grrrr. lol Then when we got our nintendo me and my brother played double dragon every day until our thumbs were sore.