What are you’re favourite PSX games? 1: Metal Gear Solid > best sneak-up style game 2: Gran Turismo 1/2 > best racing games 3: ISS Pro Evolution 2 > the best football game in my opinion 4: Fifa Football (Soccer) 2000 > a bit too easy though 5: Never played any other games...
Damn, that seems to be going a little while now....haven't played on my PSX in ages.... 1 - ISS Pro Evolution - just the greatest footie game EVER! 2 - Gran Tourismo 2 3 - Medal of Honour - as good as an FPS gets on a console 4 - FIFA 2000 5 - Parappa the Rapper.....LOL!
Yeh me too, just recently started again, playing ISS PRO... Hadn’t played on the PSX for year or more, after completing Metal Gear Solid in around 6 to 8hrs
1.Metal Gear Solid 2.Tomb Raider II 3.ISS Evolution I 4.NBA Hoopz 5.Spyro II I think these games are Superb for the PSX!!
Metal Gear and Pro evo !! Fifa.....PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRO EVO , PRO EVO , PRO EVO !!!! Every version gets better and better !! Greatest football games since sensible soccer ! ? ! ? ! ? I think so !!!
Another great piece of software was that Music 2000 by codemasters ! You cud knock up a bangin tune even if you was tone deaf !!! Most enjoyable !
tekken 3 NFL blitz 2000 all syphon filter's all Driver's and I'm sure i have more that i can't think of!