Hey all, I recently discovered (out of personal experience) that my current and awesome mid tower (Aerocool Extremengine 3T) wont be enough to cool 2 Radeon 6950's . So I've narrowed my new full tower down to 2 choices, the NZXT Phantom (I don't really like the whisper 810) and my other potential case is the Azza Genesis 9000. I want your guys' opinion on these 2 monsters, which one's better? Or if you think there's a better case out there I'm open to suggestions. Oh, and if there's any really cool case mod ideas involving either of these 2 cases it would be cool to hear about them. And I feel I should mention that i have a corsair H60 for my 1100T and I don't plan to liquid cool my 6950's because its crazy expensive . Anyway any opinions/ideas would be nice, Thanks
I would suggest the Silverstone Temjin T09 to keep your graphics cards cool because it was designed to keep the graphics cards cool by bypassing the HDD, but the Phantom is a crazy looking case that would be my preference for aesthetics, The corsair H60 is an awesome cpu cooler
I'll give the Temjin a look. I heard about it but never considered it because all this time I thought it was a mid tower . Thanks again for the advice
i ran xfire 6950s just fine in my corsair 500r, never had a problem with temps, mind you i had a triple slot board. (z686gd55), it does have a 20cm fan blowing on the cards stock, you could replace with 2 140s if desired. /e the corsair 500r is a mid sized case, though it's on the large end of mid.
The NZXT Phantom is a good full tower case, other manufacturers you might want to look into, Corsair, Cooler Master, Fractal Design. Corsair and Cooler Master's line of full tower cases are good. Fractal Design makes good and reliable cases, and they have this new sound dampening cloth/fabric in their cases. The Phantom (the original not the 810) already has enough room and cooling potential for dual GPUs, but the whole cooling performance of your system will depend on the number fans, type of fans, the airflow, CPU cooler, or water cooling system if you have one. Maybe you just need to adjust the airflow in your Aerocool case, or you might need more fans. I also have an Aerocool case, with 9 fans including the aftermarket air cooler, still runs hotter than what I'd like the temps to be.
I lean toward the NZXT mostly because I picked up their lower-end GAMA case for myself and really felt I got a lot for the money. Still, I wouldn't hesitate to look at other suggestions: Silverstone, Corsair, Cooler Master and Fractal Design, as well as suggest Antec.
Thanks for the input guys. It's much appreciated. I did make my decision about 6 or 7 months ago though haha. In my experience with the Phantom, it's a really solid and nice case. It looks great with my yellow/red light combo and even without the side fan there's plenty of cooling power for my cards so it stays nice and quiet. However, I will note that there is an unknown button on the back side of the case and it isn't in the instruction manual to my knowledge. I have no idea what this thing does but I suppose that's what google is for . Anyway, thanks guys and take care, -Bigshadow