I dont know if anyone else is having this problem, but im on the boundries/constantly braking the charecter limit for my signiture... 500 sounds pleanty, but my signiture (below) is close enuf to it that i cant add "Make your own Linux Distro | Firefox Extensions guide" whithout being told no! I can quite happaily accept a limit, but i'd rather not have to remove my anti M$ & Intell slogans to be able to put interesting links in my sig (well.... interesting for me anyway ). Any chance of a few hundread more charecters? pweety pweaseee :sniper: [ot] PS yes i am about to sort out the half done FF extensions guide, feel free to post your favourite extensions in the origional thread (or if you cant find it, PM them to me) [/ot]
" The following errors occurred when this message was submitted: 1. Your signature can not be longer than 500 characters." That (above) is what i get when i try to save/preview after adding text (without removing some)
hmm, try removing the ____________________ from your signature, to see if it lets you add more characters. Plus you have registered linux user twice.
ooops :$ yeah there still space then, I'll also try to find a smaller (and better) vista slag. I'll start maoing here when i run out again thanks
why is everybody picking on my words :crying: thanks again, tho. if you havtn allready guessed from my posts spelling and grammer have never been my strong points
ok... why is it so easy to go through all those characters? i noticed its now @ 1000 (well, i didn't notice until it told me my signature was too long). The error message states that the 100 character limit includes bbcode, i think that's my problem.... for example: Why Linux is Better! in the signature you see “Why Linux is better”, 19 characters, the bbcode for that link and text is 66 characters!!! Code: the BBcode: [U.RL="http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/"]Why Linux is Better![/UR.L] ^rather confused as to why i have to put full stops in [URL=< >] and [/URL] in a 'code' box... i don't seem to be getting value for characters Im trying to add a link to THIS thread that will get people clicking... but even a simple descrition takes me to 1120 characters (the url being 90 charecters doesnt help! lol), help?