Got it yesterday, American Idiot is kick ass, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams is incredible, and the rest are mediocore. Probably needs some listening to. Pretty 'punky' music as well as some meaningful songs, which are never great anyway Audioslave's Album is in the post, hopefully should be here Monday. Any opinions on either of those bands?
Well, I think that everything that Greenday has ever released after the Gillman St. Club days is utter crap, IMO. In other words, everything you've ever heard on the radio from them. They got their start in the same clubs in Berkley that Operation Ivy, and in turn Rancid, also has their roots. As far as Audioslave, haven't heard too much of their music, 'cause it's not really my style.
I don't listen to it at all. Actually, due to the tone of "American Idiot", I avoided it completely. After all the political hubub, I especially don't want to listen to music that's politically least what I can tell. Hearing "Bush sucks" over and over again just turns me off, and I didn't even vote for the guy. I do have their Nimrod album, and that's pretty cool, however, I'm not into punk/ska like I was. I'm more of a metalhead than anything. What I really need is to pick up some Pantera, because I keep hearing Cowboys From Hell on the radio.
I haven't heard it. Nor do I own a radio. I'm just not into mainstream anymore. Some serious talent can't be found on top 100 charts or MTV, I just can't stand that crap. MTV shall fall by the hands of metal.
I agree with you about the MTV comment whole-heartedly. It seems like this country has absolutely zero culture these days.
They just haven't heard remotely good music. They don't understand why their music sucks because all they have to compare it to is britney spears and n'sync. They're driven to buy music due to sex appeal and what other people tell them is good.
Wow, very perceptive for a 14-year-old, I must say! But my point is that their ignorance is mostly willing, because they are contented enough with our bullsh** lowest common denominator entertainment to keep participating in it. I mean, watch TV, listen to the radio. Everything there is targeted for about the 8th grade mentality level. Which, I'm embarrased to say, is the average mentality level of the US. My political statement: I don't own a TV.
8th grade mentality seems about right I could live without a tv, all I watch it adult swim these days
MTV? I never watch MTV. Mainly because trying to find the channal on sky is too damn hard for the content it has. But you must admit when a hot girl band is on as long as their music doesnt kill you then your ok. If your a red blooded male (like me)
d00d, I'm not gay or anything. But I do live in southern California. If I really wanted to check out hot chicks, I'd just go hang out at the beach. Besides, those girls tend to sing a lot less.
Yea you lot in the US are just spoilt rotten. Here in the UK you have 1 decent looking girl in 50. One really nice one in 200 and one goddess in 1500.
I do have both Adema albums, but the second one just's nothing like the first one. You almost can't tell it's the same band.
How very very untrue, there are some seriously nice girls in the UK, you just have to know where to look :good: You have to understand that the majority of really fine / fits girls, are only with guys that are so vein, because the majority of the time only the really cocky, vein arseholes have the confidence to go and say hi.. When i ask girls why they are single (the fitties) their answer is usually, no one ever approaches me.. the only reason for that is most guys go.. "OMG i wouldn't stand a chance".. :good: - PX - Call me Alfie