anyone played half life 2 lost coast yet, its free to all half life 2 owners. "Half life 2 lost coast is a single player level-custom created to showcase high-dynamic range (HDR) lighting in the source engine, is available now to all owners of Half Life 2. as a technology showcase, HL2 lost coasts system requirements are very high, during instalation steam will prompt you if your system does not meet the reccomended configuration, we hope you enjoy it." thats off the steam update news, i cant wait to try it out , anyone else in here got half lfie 2, if so, i reccomend getting this, sounds good . wow, the system requirements are ATI X800 or better, OR Nvidia 6800 or better, memory 1gb or better and 2.6ghz intel cpu or AMD 2800+ cpu or better. seems my system is in for a beating :\ HALF LIFE 2 Lost Coast is out now
*Downloading it right now* its not reccomended for dial up users, as its over 300mb, taking me nearly 40 mins to download for me
Perhaps i'll download it, it'll ONLY take 3 days , i don't have the privelage of using HDR but it might be fun to play around with for 5 minutes
hehe, i have seen some sreenshot of it, and i honistly think older cards might be able to handle it, 6600gt's, radoen 9800xt's, and older ones, or is HDR somthing new in high end cards like X800 and 6800 series? *whooooop, 2 minutes and 30 seconds untill i get my system beasted by half lfie 2 lost coast *
HDR is only for high end cards ATM My 9250 can play HL2 beautifully at 1024x768 @ high settings. So i don't think i'll have too much problems running it!
I have just played half lfie 2 lost coast, i have took a screenshot, i have it on max reseloution, 16X AF 6XAA and its really smooth, i do get the odd glith now and again, but graphics are brilliant. there is a screenshot, thats at the biggining of the game, its just like another half life lol.
, just have, i will post some more later on link to picture in post before this one i will get fraps running and see what fps i am getting.
i was only getting about 25 fps on avarage on maximum settings, would you think thats ok, with fraps running, i was freezing in game alot more. my max fps was about 40. i am going to try these new DNA drivers, and see what i get in lost coast then.
Looks friggin' awesome, yeah the lighting does seem notably improved. Though I only had my textures set to medium in HL2 so that may have affected my perception. Wow, mega system requirements, mine current rig is pretty much at the bottom of those requirements. Now that's depressing Won't be downloading that anyway. Perhaps at school though...
I changed my mind, i couldn't be bothered right now to wait 3 days to download something i can't even use! I'll just drool over screenshots
I'm pretty sure you have to download it through steam! The whole steam thing just makes HL2 100% worse, due to all the screwing around people have to do to get it to work!
steam has some good points and some bad points, but i quite like steam . hmm, i am worried about this 25fps in half life 2 lost coast, its about the same at 1152x768 res, and it can drop to as low as 15, i am going to stick my 9600 back in later on today and hope that i get almost 0 fps and that everyhting looks crap becouse HDR is not supported. i will have to take some screenshots of lost coast whilst i am in this church thing, when i smash the windows, the light really does look sooo realistic. even the flash light looks better . i have when games start using this new HDR performance will go up, at the moment its only a technology showcase, so i am hoping it will be improved for future games, in the system requirements they should of put, reccomended card to use: 7800GT or GTX, becouse i dont even think the x800,s and 9800,s are up to much with this HDR, i think that 6800's will do better in half life 2 lost coast than X800's will. hopefully there will be some benchmarks out somewere :\ if this HDR could be used in half life 2, then it would look amazing. From time of this post, i will be posting about 5 screenshots in about 25 mins Here are the screenies, as you can see on the first picture, one in the chapel, there is some sort of glitch, on the right you can see those officers or whatever they are, but there just stud still, this happend all over, and you can walk right through them. also, on the last picture (thats were i am stuck) after he has finished talking, no matter were you go, the screen starts fading black and returns you back to the menu, i dont know if this is all that there is on half life 2 lost coast, but i cant seem to do anyhtign to stop it from fading, i suppose thats it, as its only a technology showcase, a preview of what this HDR does, so i suppose, i have finished half life 2 lost coast if i put invincible cheat in, i can swim across to those factory things, and its glitch land, you can go under everyhting lol. the good thing about lost coast is, that the light changes from time to time as if there is clouds going over the sun. on thr last image, thats when it just came up from the load screen, and its like a camera adjusting the lense so there is less of a glare, and the light gets dimmer. Also, these 5 new pictures were took whilst i had AAA enabled
Wow, that's officially the best looking game I've ever seen, for PC anyway. That's The first and last screenies are particularlyy amazing. Nice work man. I'll be the X1800XL and XT cards play it really well also.