Hello all. I am new to all this but l really hope that one of you can help me. I have a virus that norton and avg can find on my computer but they can't get rid of it, so what do i do? jhsd.exe backdoor.jupdate is all l can get thanks for any help you can give.
Sometimes AV software is unable to eradicate the virus but it still gives you the location of the virus. What I do when it happens is disable system restore to stop it hiding in the SR archive and then manually delete the virus. This isn't guarunteed to get rid of it however. After that do another check and see if its still detected. If you think you have removed it then make sure you've got a good firewall like [google]Sygate firewall[/google] or [google]Agnitum Outpost[/google] and update your AV. You'll probably want to check your system for spyware so download [google]Ad-Aware[/google] or [google]Spybot Search & Destroy[/google].