Hi I am currently working on my own media website. Im using dreamweaver and the site is designed for live audio a tad of live video and online audio files. Does anyone know how i can stream live video and live audio to my site. I also do not know how to code in any format so... Also the pc i operate from is in my bedroom (im 14) and is on a wireless network. I would also like to know is anyoen know's of any good microphone's which i could purchase for my online streaming. Any recommendations? Thanx http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/...703150-8086866 Is that ok for the microphone? Thanx Sorry this is the link. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos...8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl/026-5931402-9986007
That mic will probably be fine, although for top quality sound you're gonna have to pay for it, something from Shure should be okay. Take a look here for some decent microphones. I have no clue on the streaming so I'll leave that to someone else.
Hi there, There is a program you might have come across named Winamp, It's a media player and with 1 Shoutcast plugin and a Shoutcast Server you can stream music/videos you are playing through to the Shoutcast server, which can be viewed/heard on the internet. A little guide to get your audio streaming: 1. First download Winamp, Shoutcast server and Shoutcast 'Be A DJ' plugin. 2. Secondly, Install each application then open up 'Edit SHOUTcast DNAS Configuration'. It's a lot of words, but only 2 of them matter 3. Locate "Password=changeme", around the middle of the maximized Text doc. Change 'changeme' to your desired password. Also, locate "PortBase=8000", change this to the desired port you would like the server to allow connections to. Save the document and run "SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI)". You can 'Hide' this to system tray where it will still run. 4. Now you can open Winamp. This is where you play video/audio files and broadcast them to your own server. Ok, Open Preferences (Ctrl + P). Now this opens a windows with all the winamp settings. Near the bottom of the left panel click "DSP Effect" or something similar to those words This should bring up your DSP (the be a DJ) plugin. Click the right one. 5. Now you should have a 'permanent' window, displaying Connection this is where you edit the details to connect to your server. First of all, Address: this is your IP (Internet Protocol) address, if you do not know your IP Address visit www.whatismyip.com and copy your IP into the address box. Port: this is the port you set for the server to be connected to by you or other DJ's. Enter the numbers here. Password: this is the password to access the your SHOUTcast server. Firstly, this was 'changeme', type in your server's password. Finally, click connect If your firewall pops up showing 'Block or Allow connections to this port' click allow. Now you are connected to your server Ok, Play all the media you want to! (aslong as it's legal). Oh and if people want to listen to you show them http://ipaddress:port -- replacing IPADDRESS with your own IP (eg. And PORT to your servers port (eg. 8000). There are more advanced things once you have your server running, like showing stats on your own web site. This could be a quite confusing thing if you are a complete novice to PHP/HTML. But, if done adds a nice feature to your website and making it more user-friendly. You should be sorted! If any problems PM me and I will do my best to help! Sorry if this was a little on the big side of things guys Good Luck, - Chris