Yes, i like speculating, and yes, it came out like 3 years after the PS2's release, but i'm sure they could have figured something out. On that, how sweet would that have been... in a sense, but really, i was just thinking about PS2 to PS3 game saves, in which you need an adapter. If they had used memory sticks we wouldn't have had the problem. I dunno, just some of my crazy ramblings, i felt like sharing.
There is an adapter to transfer your save data from PS2 to PS3. That said, the newer generation of PS3's don't even have PS2 support anymore, which is part of why they're so cheap. I'm lucky in that I bought my brother's, which is one of the few with an Emotion Engine. w00t
Yep, i obtained my PS3 in its first days, so i have backwards compatibility as well. Its pretty silly though, cause i haven't even used it yet, because of the saved game thing. Yeah, i only have one MagicGate card (sony) the other is a higher capacity card (64mb YAY) so i just want to make sure i get a card reader that will like it.