Image Stretch

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by zimcerullo, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. zimcerullo

    zimcerullo Geek Trainee

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    Im just starting to make a website and have desigened a header for it. When I stick it in dreamweaver and preview it in the web it doesnt take up the full top of the browser. Is there any bit of code that can be added to make the image stretch the full length of the browser?
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    You need to assign the image as the background of the table cell/row if you are using tables, or make a div that is 100% wide, and set it's background to the image, and to repeat-x
  3. zimcerullo

    zimcerullo Geek Trainee

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    ok going to sound like an uber n00b but HUH? Im using layers, can you put it in idiot for me?
  4. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Stay away from layers, they can cause huge problems when people with different screen resolutions view it.

    Try using tables to align the images. Use Photoshop's slicing tool to create the images and export to html/images.

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