Last weekend I was popped into HWF website and found that I have lots of choice to edit my information but when I work on my office PC these(attached Pic) are the only options which turns up. Is it with me only or with somebody else as well?
Pretty odd issue, man...but so far, you're alone. All computers that I've visited HWF on showed all options that you were missing...may I ask what browser you're using? I haven't had any troubles with either IE or FF.
Hmmm..I don't have IE 7 beta...key word = "beta". Maybe there are some bugs that they haven't sorted out yet. Does your home PC have the original IE or the beta version?
No, it doesnt but the fact is, it was showing up earlier in this one too..(Prob. a month ago). I thought that sniper might have changed it so I didnt bother about it but its not have been changed.
Agreed - I used to get it sometimes in IE or a new version of FF, but all seems well now. Refreshing the page sometimes helps.
I've seen some people on other forums having various issues with IE7, so given that it's a beta product, it's not surprising that it's a little buggy. I still would go ahead and clear the cache.
[ot] LOL, you make it sound as if the final version will be bug free! C'mon, this is IE we are talking about[/ot]
Server restictions!!!!! thats like .... software racism? (or at least descrimination) Do you know if there is a policy against using software such as firefox or if the Server justs attemtps to stop you? (if its based on a user-agent string, use this extension
My server is not restricted for using FF. It is just that I cant download anything and for FF, I have to download the setup first from the net. So, I call it server restriction.