Hi all Can you recommend a decent IT training company? I know of two - QA and Learning Tree. I was hoping to perhaps find a few more for comparisons. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
IT Training Courses and Careers - Computeach maybe saw this on tv, can't remember. edit: http://www.justit.co.uk
Computeach want £4k for the MCSA. That was about 4-5 years ago when I looked. I just bought some MS MCSA/MCSE training books. They are good.... good enough to pass. When I was looking into it all the administrators I spoke to said to just do an IT based degree and get as much work experience as you can. Im looking at doing more uni work this september (maths and computer science) and apparently i'll gain some CISCO qual whilst doing the degree.
Thank you both! Due to age and other hurdles, I am unlikely to go to Uni. I am looking for a classroom based introductory course in SQL (for use to develop queries against Oracle DB's) and I want to make sure, as much as I can, that I am using a decent company. It is likely that the course will be paid by my firm so money is not necessarily the main concern. I found this one here, but they have not got any courses planned at the moment. QA are fairly good and I already trained with them once (Sharpoint). Thanks....
Narrowed down to two option. Both look like what I am looking for. Both two days crash courses. Not risking pimping, if anyone is interested, I will forward the links. Thanks for the responses anyway...