I've made a site, it's nothing special but i'm adding new things to it all the time. Any feedback would be greatly appreiciated! The site is Removed. The pondweed stuff is just a sort of weird joke between me and few mates so don't worry when you don't understand it :chk: Check it out and leave feedback
If your PondWeed is been sold and is going for what Weed does on the street then perhaps you could hire a professional web designer - or dare i say it even Waffle if your desperate *hehe*
Haha, I dont't really sell weed :chk: I'm trying to learn as best I can but it's taking time for me to get to grips properly with html.
If you want to learn anything to do with computers AT ALL go and buy a "For Dummies" book from amazon.com/co.uk. For example for you, you'd want: HTML For Dummies or WebPages For Dummies (i'd go for the HTML). They cost about £6-£20 depending on the age of the book release, i've just ordered: Cisco Networking For Dummies Visual Basic For Dummies C+ For Dummies PHP & Mysql For Dummies Macromedia FlashMX 2004 For Dummies at a total cost of £61.02 including 1 Day Business Delivery & Vat. People believe that these books are For Dummies, but they're not.. depending on the books you buy they can be incredibly basic IT subjects or advanced IT subjects - the idea being that these books no matter what level could teach a "Dummie" to do it. My grandfather (79) had never used a computer in his life, nor used a mouse or anything, but he is very intelligent (used to be head of accountancy at the bank of england & was 1 or 3 who founded the British Computer Society). Yes i know.. its ironic he founded the BCS and yet can't use one.. but this was when computers were the size of 3 rooms. Anyhow, i gave him a PC with XP / Anti-Virus / Firewall all patched up with everything the book would refer to installed and gave him "PCs For Dummies", after reading portions of the book + practical experience of the tasks in the book, 2 months after i gave it to him he now has his own email address, has configured it for outlook, updates Windows regularly, can surf the internet, print / scan and use Word / Excel. Thats impressive. - I Work in IT and i use these books, they are fantastic, not everyone knows everything about everything and even if you do have a good knowledge of things these will suprise you with things you didn't know in subjects you thought you knew everything about..
HTML isn't that hard to learn, but having help with it is nice. Then you can use that to help work in PHP, and so on. Having some HTML knowledge is a boon if you're going to work on your own website. I do that with reviews here, so when it comes time to put one up, it's just cut 'n paste and use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to double check my formatting before it's published. You don't need the last one, but it sure helps.
I generally don't have a certain series of books that I read, mainly i select the ones that are the best. But I have 2 books by Samms teach yourself in 24 hours: Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Networking and a C++ Demystified book which is very good. Won't last me for a year but I'll get a more advanced book by then. Btw matttib who is that singing on the cartoons page?
I'm only kidding around Waffle, it's harmless - you know that :good: I already know how to code PHP/Mysql and Visual Basic 6 - but i taught myself, and i'm not fluent, especially since i've had 2 relearn since my accident. I brought them so i could open myself up into more dynamic areas of PHP and Mysql application, C+ i've never really looked at - but would be handy and i would really like to learn, Cisco Networking is merely so im ready before i go and do the CCNA next xmas. Macromedia flashMX 2004 is what i'm looking forward to, as i've tried it but never got the hang of it, as i've never found good tutorials.. and never had the time, where as now i do
Like many things, C++ has so much beyond the skin. I'm fluent with writing simple DOS programs (just about) but its not in the scope (pun) of my book to do GUIs. I want to learn GUIs in C++ but its hard. So thats why I do Visual Basic .NET. Its easy cause i like design the way things look. Dreamweaver is pretty easy really. Once you're familiar with the different web languages the actual implementation with Dreamweaver is quick. Unlike Frontpage. I like the way you don't have to code all the time with dreamweaver, it generates good clean code for you.
yeah i know I'd like to learn some php specific code, as well as some VB6 but I don't know where to begin! Flash I can do I'm just too impatient to spend much time on the animation, so it usually looks bad
Flash is hard for me. I just can't remember how to do simple things with it. The most complex thing I've made in flash is a set of balls bouncing off each other. And that was just tweening them. PHP basics are pretty easy, with a good tutorial that is. I prefer PHP to other web languages for some reason.
Like i said i can write Visual Basic, but i'd like to be fluent in it, hence the purchase of a book which will enable me to do this with practise. I can write: HTML/XHTML/DHTML/ASP ASP was merely learnt as i wanted to write a Clan Script with individual logins, match reporting (last 5 results / next 5 matches). and tones of stuff.. which i succeeded in doing, the script is also incredibly easy to intergrate into any site (as long as the site has the tables required for what ever you want on the site example: last 5 results / login). I've played with PHP - doesnt look very hard, but i'd prefer to sit down with a book and learn it properly than do it occasionaly. I want to right alot of programs for my own personal use in VB, but VB.Net is not needed atm, as i'd only use it on websites, and ASP can do the same thing but it's easier for me as i already know it. I'd also like to learn PHP/Mysql as its more readily available as hosting and is alot cheaper and of course.. is mainly Linux based. FlashMX 2004 is merely so i can create some stupid movies / cartoons e.t.c or web effects on graphics i do.
I use the Visual Basic Express 2005 Beta from MS. I can't figure out how to compile it into a .exe though. I like the fact that in PHP its parsed so that no-one can nick your cod is good an you can jump from in between html and php and its transparent to the user. Which is cool.
its a pretty good effort I'd say, much better than when I started out! love the 33 reasons not to post your pic on the internet link.