I have recently started up my own forum and wondering how long it will be before it comes up on Google. I heard it might take 6 - 12 months. Is there anything I can do to hurry it up? Thanks Rebekka
i've also had that problem with my websites. Sometimes you just have to wait ti out you should of course try to stay to search engine guidelines, like not using frames, flash links etc. Eventually my site was up there.
This is a further query re my forum on 'google' etc. I can find my website on several of the bigger search engines at last! Hooray! But it is coming up as "www.alanpricefansforum.org.uk" when I would really like it to say "Alan Price Fans Forum" on the top line. Is there any way to change this or will the crawlers find it in due course. Don't know where else to ask this question but hoping somebody on here will advise. Thanks.
As Matt said you need to put <meta> tags, and set the <title> to <title>Alan Price Fans Forum</title>
Thanks Guys for the advice but after struggling to sort out <meta>tags and not being able to get it to work, I contacted my Forum Hosts and find that they are not set up to enable <meta> tags. Oh well........... I have realised there are a lot of things I am not able to do because I have a Free Forum Host
Alan Price Fans Forum on the Google Bar when I put www.alanpricefansforum.org.uk actually I just put alanpricefansforum for the spiders to find it on this website!! So thanks Hardware Forums this is a great place to post It also mentioned Hardware Forums