My ethernet port is messing up. Im using the Unwired Modem. When i connect using the ethernet cable, there is only the Orange light, NOT the Yellow light blinking on the motherboard. The yellow light does blink on the modem but not the motherboards ethernet port. On the mobo, only the orange light blinks. I checked with another cable, same story. Then i used these cable in my older pc which im using (P4), & it is working perfectly so nothings wrong with my cables. These cables were working perfectly fine before. So is there a fault with the motherboard ??? Motherboard - only Orange light blinks Modem - both Orange & Yellow light blinks I also have clean installed windows xp (SP2) from scratch. Also in my Network Connections, the LAN shows its connected but I cannot access the internet. So kindly request if anyone can help me out. Thank you. Motherboard: ASUS P5N-D
I will try that & let you know. Thanks. Is it possible for me to buy an NIC card & install it in my PCI slot so it will be an alternative to the ethernet port ?
Yes of course. Still, if it's a problem with your OS, the modem or the cable you're using and not with the NIC, then it wouldn't help matters much. Unless you already have one on hand for troubleshooting, I would track down the root of the problem first.
To your earlier question, I was actually using a Patch cable. But I did try connecting using a crossover cable & it still wouldn't light up. Same situation, the orange light comes but there is no yellow light blinking. What should I do now ?? I know its not my ISP's problem or the cables. And since, I did a clean install of WinXp SP2, I dont think its my OS's fault.
If you have a different piece of hardware to test the link to the modem with, that would be beneficial. Also, it would be a nice test to run a live Linux distro on your PC and see if the NIC works there. If it still doesn't work in Linux, it's most likely just a dead NIC; this happens from time to time. In that case, you should be able to get an off-the-shelf one for a few bucks that will be good enough for a desktop.
I am currently using my older P4 system with the same cable & motherboard ethernet port. All is working fine (except this is not a dual core ) How will I install a Live Linux distro ?? Ive never had any experience with Linux.
Well, the point of running it "live" off the CD is that you don't have to install it at all, simply put it in the CDROM and boot to it. You can find some links to Linux distros in my signature ("Try Linux"), or else Ubuntu is always popular.
Ok I will try that as soon as I download it. My internet speed is like a snail approx 50kbps. I live in Fiji & internet is soo slow here. But heyy...we finally won the Hong Kong 7s If nothing solves this, I will buy a NIC card & test using that. Hope it works. So my mobo's ethernet port is basically dead rite ?
I bought an NIC card & now it works. So im quite sure the ethernet port on the mobo is dead. I didnt get a chance to download linux, but I will try it soon. What are the advantages of using linux over windows? I know one its free. Thanks for your help.
Happens sometimes, especially with integrated NICs for some reason. Oh well, at least it was a simple fix! I use Linux almost exclusively, and I have no Windows systems at all. The biggest advantages of Linux over Windows are freedom, stability, security, and performance. In other words, you don't need an anti-virus in Linux and it doesn't slow down over time. 101 reasons why Linux is better than Windows | Prakash Advani's Blog No problem, glad to be of service.
i looked at this question for a while, and i didn't know what to put yep, i too mainly use Linux (Debian Lenny) & most is not only free as you mentioned, but i like open source software because you can do anything you like with most OSS[ot]well, when i figure out programming[/ot] :beer:
well what ive gathered from most sites is that Linux still doesnt support gaming. Now will I be able to play Crysis on Linux ??
Um, no offense, but I don't think you really understand. Linux supports "gaming" just fine. But as an OS X game doesn't run on Windows, and a Windows game doesn't run on OS X, so too it is with Linux... sort of. While there are actually quite a lot of native Linux games out there, both commercial and free, Linux can also run a lot games for Windows using WINE. It can of course also emulate games for DOS, consoles, arcade formats, Commodore 64 and other obsolete platforms. To give you an idea, of the 63 icons in my quick launch bar, 34 are shortcuts to games or emulators.
Yup, I agree AT. Actually that was what i meant that 'Games for Windows' wont run on Linux. I dont have much idea which games have been released for Linux. I think one is Warcraft. Thanks for telling me about WINE. I will definitely try Linux. About the live cd. When i boot from the linux live cdrom, i will have to keep the cd inside the cdrom all the time rite? Cant wait to try linux. I should have downloaded linux before coming to work I'll do that tonite.
If you just want to try it without actually installing it, then yes. Just keep in mind that it will be slower and less flexible in this state than a full install. Actually, Warcraft is not Linux native, though in WINE it runs like it. Linux native games include the Doom series, the Enemy Territory series, the Quake series, Prey, Savage 1&2,etc. Many others work perfectly in WINE, e.g. Warcraft 1-3, WoW, Guild Wars, Fable, Command and Conquer, Half Life series, etc. Linux has a bigger market share on the desktop than Mac OS now, so it is getting a lot more attention in the commercial games department. As for free games, there are a lot out there.