Can someone explain to me the reason why when you connect a HP Printer/scanner/fax with a centronics to USB adapter you lose the scanner and fax functions and are left with only the printer function?
Re-read you question, and I was going off in a wrong direction. Sometimes using adapters from one standard to another inhibits device functions or slows things down as the signals must be converted from one format to another. I'm not 100% positive, but seeing adapters in other situations, this isn't uncommon to have happen. Unfortunately, I don't know of any solution outside of using the Centronics-to-parallel port cable without the USB adapter. If you need to use more than one printer from the parallel port, a printer switch would be in order. I couldn't tell you any specific place to check for them, but given that parallel ports are legacy, you should be able to pick one up for next to nothing if not free.