Is it possible to buy these LEDS for, example, HDD, FDD, etc? I'm trying to get a friend's PC's lights working as the wires have been sheared through. Thanks, David
yeah, if you think back Tandy did sell them, but Tandy was bought by Carphone Warehouse, i only know by doing a google search for something like [google]buy leds uk[/google], also offer free delivery in the UK try searching for cheaper ones buy adding cheap or inexpensive to the google search like this [google]buy cheap leds uk[/google]
I don't know the shops in particular, but if you have something like Radio Shack over there, you might be in luck. Some sort of electronics shop should have them. The fun thing is, you can get custom colors if you want. Be careful if you choose white/clear. If it's the LED itself sticking out of the case, people might complain about it blinding them if it's too bright. (Had this happen to me with a case mod. )
Thanks for the input, guys. I've scoured the Net, and these LEDs are hard to find! Finally tracked them down on an American site (good old USA!):good: Here's the link: 3.3V 5mm LED Pre-wired with Connectors Replacement for PC Cases LED Green-Best Computer Online Store Houston Buy Discount Prices EDIT: Foiled again, methinks. They only ship to the US & Canada. I'll have to search again!!