
Discussion in 'General Chat' started by edijs, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    I've been thinking about the universe (or "space" or whatever you name it ...) and came to the question - If there was a big bang and the universe is expanding, then there has to be a "border" between our space and that which is outside. I imagine that the border is a huge "wall" of fire or plasma or whatever happens when our physics contancts with that which is on the other side. What do you think ... ?
  2. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    personally, i think the universe is expanding, but like on this planet, the further you go you would eventually get back where you started (the universe is like a globe, i think)
    assuming you are correct about the wall of fire of plasma, i think it would cause a paradox in/on our universe
  3. CptDDB

    CptDDB Geek Trainee

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    a great deep question... I guess the big question would be what's on the other side of the edge of the Universe? ...stuff to keep one up at nigh thinking
  4. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    I think that we cannot even say what is on the other side, because that the structure of time, space or dimentions or whatever over "there" is/isn't completely different. maybe the other side is even somewhere between being or not being as we understand it or even something above that. In other words - I don't think we can explain/describe it at all.

    about the globe version - I think that space has a irregular sphere-like shape and that, by going forward you are going along a diameter of this sphere. And it probably isn't a globe for walking around, because there is no surface...
  5. CptDDB

    CptDDB Geek Trainee

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    Asking questions about what's beyond the edge of the Universe and about what goes on out there is what makes us all so human I suppose
  6. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    thats true, i guess only time will tell, but i don't think any of us alive today will see the future discoveries made that will answer the really interesting questions we can think of
  7. CptDDB

    CptDDB Geek Trainee

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    Still, even if in our lifetimes we may not have those questions answered, those questions will keep us all pushing forward towards discovery and exploration and will in essence keep the human race progressing, not only in the technological sense, but in every aspect of our existence. It's that innate curiosity about what's out there and about what we can't possibly imagine. We all have this curiosity, even if some people haven't found it yet, and it keeps us going not only as individuals but as a race.
  8. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    Well, i think this has a lot to do with the alternate dimensions theory, maybe they just merge or spill over somewhere. On that??? i think its possible that space is actually infinite, scary thought.
  9. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    i think there will always be something that is unknown, e.g. if not the edge of space, what is beyond that ?
    my head just exploded

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