now you guys will see a message telling you to use standard English if you are having any problems with it, please let me know. this is to ensure everyone understands what you guys are talking about. feedback welcome.
I can usually understand what everyone's saying without too much trouble but it's probably a smart idea, I'm glad the message dissappears when you click on the box, smooth move Sniper! So can I still use stuff like: lol, w/o, BTW, and so on?
yeh thats more standard, I will make a thread regarding what is and what isnt allowed. if you go to your usecp and enabled definitions you will get a message telling you what IMHO, LOL etc stands for, I will look to improve the feature though. I just don't like people making up short words and people do short messages are really ment for SMS.
This is intended for a broader, more oblivious to the tech world isn't it? I'm for it then. Good idea so people can understand more of what we're speaking of.
I agree with Sniper on this. Basically, this is a place where people get tech support for free. It's very irritating trying to figure out what someone is saying, and then go by that, hoping they've got the jist of the situation. Personally, I'm more likely to not reply if I can't understand what the person is saying in the first place. I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but if I'm not getting paid, there's no real motivation to reply if you can't understand the person. On the flip side, if we do ask for clarification, that means more waiting time on fixing the problem. It's more or less in the forum rules, but we don't expect Oxford english here. We do ask that people who speak the language be able to be somewhat proficient in typing things out. This isn't English class, but we want to be able to understand you. You may be a very intelligent person, but typing "this isnt werkingim no tsure wats goinning on" type stuff just doesn't do anybody any good.
God bless you B, you read my freaking mind. I'm getting awfully tired of seeing stuff like this: Incorrect assumption #1: We owe you something and must help you with your 'really-super-important' problems (or else). Incorrect assumption #2: Talking like a bleeding idiot will make people think you're cool. Incorrect assumption #3: People can understand what the heck you're trying to convey with badly broken wannabe l337. If I have to choose between helping them or somebody else, who do you think it'll be? -AT
haha this is gonna be seriously hard, for a guy like me who spends hours everyday on AIM haha yea laugh at me all you want
One must make an effort to analyse the viewpoints of other forum members and post with proficient accuracy and grammatical precision. So to speak