T-Break gives Plextor's Serial ATA DVD burner a go. Overall the write speeds of the drive are very pleasing. We could not test some of the write speeds to their limits due to the fact that higher speed writable media is not commonly available. However, if the results from the CD writing are anything to go by, the DVD write speeds are probably very good too. But- this is an assumption. The write and re-write speeds that are supported by this drive mean that you will not need to upgrade to a faster drive for quite a while. DVD media that is capable of being written at such high speeds is very hard to come by at the moment, but as time passes they will become more commonly available, at which time, your Plextor drive will be ready for them. Everything's going over to SATA. If you want a good way to backup and be one step ahead of the average geek, this is something to check out. Link.