SONY OFFICIALLY revealed many details about upcoming Playstation 3 hardware. At the game developers conference, held at the Cafe Royal, where George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde used to hobknob, the company decided to provide developers with some more information about the machinery. We learned that despite having up to seven Bluetooth 2.0 compliant controllers, and six USB slots, and you will also be able to plug in a keyboard and a mouse. The company representative added that you will be able to play games such as Unreal Tournament 2007 with the keyboard and the mouse. This can mean the end of the auto aiming that you now have on Playstation 2, but I guess that developers will need to make the game fit the controller and keyboard and mouse. Otherwise, if your game is so important, you might take a stand and make people buy a mouse and keyboard for your Playstation 3. At the same time you will be able to use your Playstation portable as a remote device for Playstation 3, but right now won't be able to use it as a controller for games. But you will be able to do some things such as play a video or a song. With a keyboard and a mouse, the Playstation 3 might be a real threat to the PC. Inq This is good, I've always disliked the way you have to aim with a controller.
yeah i really hate aiming with a controller, i think the playstation 3 is just going to be incredible, with all it has to offer i hope the price for accessories aren't too much though.
Pretty cool, it really does bring some serious competition to the PC, especially with it's ability to run Linux and all. Plus it's comparatively cheap. My next article may be a little discouraging though...
yeah i think the ps3 is just going to be mind blowing, the xbox 360 may be released early (before christmas in the u.k. hopefully) but the ps3 sales will just be astronomical with what it can do, and PSP owners will be attracted to it as it can be used as an extra accessory for the PS3
No, actually, the fact that the gfx processor is only about as good as the 7800GTX. Sure now that's pretty sweet but we're talking about a console that's supposed to be released in what...late 2006 and will probably last 7 or so years. Too bad they can't just go out and design their own like they did with the Cell proc.
Thats not true. The RSX GPU is slightly more powerful than the G70, you can imagine what nVidia marketing managers were doing after they heard that rumour.
We'll we can't exactly be sure concidering I've heard things as high as "3x faster than the GTX" but I'd be willing to side with you on this on Addis. It's just not likely they'd shove a GTX with it's wings clipped in the most sought after console.
I think a keyboard and mouse is a good idea but i dont want it too much like a pc, i mean i have a pc for pcing I want a games console not another pc.
Maybe PC gaming, but not PCs. Consoles are great for racing games and they would be good for FPS if the mouse/keyboard thing works well. But I still prefer the raw resolution of games on the PC, the limitations are the TV at the moment until HD-TV becomes widespread.