i have just on about 11" :S u sure that will be enough apparently the ultra is huge and needs a "full tower" the rx9 is just a mid
One of the many disappointing things about the 8800 Ultra, besides the minor performance jump for the extra $150 over the GTX. Actually, I don't think the Ultra is really any different than the GTX in terms of size.
hmm maybe i should just get the GTX.. thats what i was going to get along with the asus striker mother board for sli, so maybe i should just get the gtx and maybe later sli with another gtx.. would that be a better idea u think?
Well, other nForce 680i also do SLI. The Striker is typically about $100US more than most other 680i boards and doesn't overclock as well. The Striker uses a custom layout, an LCD in the IO panel, custom cooling, and some extra accessories. A bump in price? Sure, but not $100+ worth. eVGA has their 680i board just under $190, while the Asus Striker is around $300 (give or take, depending on the store). If you want it fine, but I can't recommend a board that doesn't perform any better that costs that much more. GTX? Definitely. The 8800 Ultra simply doesn't justify the cost. You're looking to spend an extra $150-200 USD for a single card that you could put toward that second video card which would give you much more performance with SLI.
yeah too true.. im only buying the striker cuz i hear its the best and $100 more wont kill me.. ur right with the GPU's ill get the 8800GTX and save some money on cooling and psu upgrading.. after reading the reviews on newegg alot of people have said the gtx is just as good as the ultra.. thanks for the help mate helped me make my mind up once and for all