I was a HUGE Red faction fan, and when i heard a third game was going to be released, i pretty much flipped out. Half the reason behind me being so excited was the fact that there is a game coming out for the PS3, like a good one, so thats something, but anyways, any Red Faction fans around here?
I must say that I loved both of them - SOF and SOF2: Double Helix are relics indeed. I've played them both soooo many times. Simply awesome! SOF3 was fun too, but not the same anymore as there was no John Mullins.... sad, sad, I hope they'll revive this awesome franchise and do another arcade super-John-Mullins-and-The-Shop-Save-The-World-style thing. Cool. Red Faction was cool. I acutally started to make my own levels there for some time. Destructible surroundings... that was a revolution. The game was also surprisingly long and I enjoyed it so much. The second part was quite a obvious and bad console port and that one I didn't like much. But I'ļll surely look into the new thing. Only because of the franchise as it brings back good memories
???? um, yes, BACK TO RED FACTION, which is made my THQ, so ??? how did Soldier of Fortune come out of this??? on a side note... i reeeaallllyyy disliked Soldier of Fortune.
Indeed, SOF and SOF 2 were great. I found Red Faction to be like SOF no? I mean i haven't played the whole thing but i've tried it years ago at a friends house and wasn't interested for some reason... The graphics look similar as well as the gameplay
? SoF was for PS2? right? I think we are both confused, but looking at SoF gameplay, it doesn't really look much like Red Faction. On a side note, SoF's gore kinda bugged me, and small caliber rounds wouldn't take off limbs. I mean, to each your own, everyone has different tastes, but that kinda killed the game for me.
No i played it for the PC man. Your right about the small calibers not taking their limbs off, but pump out the shotgun and you got legs flying everywhere! ...and that's what actually made the game for me haha... aside from the saving the world mission.
lol, yeah, from what i've gathered, thats why people LOVE it, so gamers are on two sides here. Ether they love it like you, or they feel like i do, that seems to be the general consensus. ..... ha, yeah, again, you would have to have the barrel of a shotgun a couple inches away from a limb to sever it.
red faction and Sof were both awesome. and the limb ripping off is not that real as sof used the quake 2 engine and sof 2 used the quake 3. Raven didn't get much out of it. Also, for arcade shooting it was fun and something they did stick out with from other games at the time the game came out.
I loved the first red faction on PS2... the destructible environments were the best... I made my own tunnels just for fun with the explosives The second one was good.. but seemed a bit harder because of the way it handled on the ps2.. I still like FPS better on PC's but Red Faction is my favorite on PS2 I always wished they could have made the environments in the first Tribes game destructible like that.. how fun it would have been to tunnel under the enemy base with a mortar!
Seriously, i thought i was like the only person to just aimlessly make tunnels around the various levels, but i guess it was a lot more popular than i thought. Also, i pretty much agree, FPSs are best on a PC, but Red Faction was a good exception. (although it did have a pc version)
BAHAHAHAHA ..... so as it turns out, a lot of people spell "guerrilla" wrong and in turn, this thread comes up first on google... and i JUST realized i spelled it wrong... wow.