Samsung Electronics announced Thursday that from Jan. 1, customers who discover defective pixels on an LCD monitor produced by the company less than six months after its purchase may have the panel replaced free of charge. An LCD monitor is made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny pixels. Manufacturers have classified products with 10 or less defective pixels as "normal" and refused to repair or exchange them, which led to complaints from customers. Samsung added, however, that the free exchanges do not apply to customers who purchased their LCD monitors before Jan. 1. Source:
The only ways I can think of would make it obvious you did it (using a hammer or other large object).
But why would they break pixels just to get it repaired for free when they could just ummm not? Wouldn't really benefit them now would it?
I doubt someone could really take advantage of it, if you pay £200 for a monitor you would want no dead pixels so this news is good for everyone. I think they will notice if someone had done it on purpose...
"Hey Samsung! Looks like this here big hole in my monitor caused by a blunt object that I did not do has killed some pixels!"
no coz say five months down the line .......... oh wiat no u get the same monitor sorry rongly read the statement
Thats really good news. I would be really annoyed if I got an LCD monitor with a bunch of dead pixels near the centre.
I'd be pissed if it even had one dead pixel ... If I'm paying upwards of $350 for a monitor, it had better be flawless