Shut down after 5 sec. No boot.

Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by gr0ez, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. gr0ez

    gr0ez Geek Trainee

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    Same problem over here!!!!!

    My Acer Aspire 5742 shuts down before the OS even starts booting. No sound. Runs in 5 sec and then shuts down. I changed the HD to an older 80gb Acer and then it started booting to DS option, but neither "start normal mode" or "start safe mode" worked.
    "To old HD for this computer" I thought.

    So I went and bought a new one named Seagate SSHD 500Gb (the orginal hd has 500GB and I thought; why not upgrade when I have the chance.)
    later I found that the new HD are thinner and has an seperate power input (I think... at least an extra input of some kind.) but thanks to the screws in the HD rack I could make it fit. But then. Same shut down problem accured. Changed to the old kinda-working 80GB HD again but no, the same happend here. Suggestion?
  2. gr0ez

    gr0ez Geek Trainee

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    EDIT: This shut on/off problem first accured 3 weeks after a disk formatting. "Back to topic" - Can it be the RAM?

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