Sky have started doing broadband. Their prices are extremely good. - Home Packages: Base Download Speed - up to 2Mb Monthly Usage Cap - 2GB Free 12 Months McAfee Free Wireless Router Activation Fee - £40 Home Install Option - £50 Monthly Price - Free Mid Download Speed - up to 8Mb Monthly Usage Cap - 40GB Free 12 Months McAfee Free Wireless Router Activation Fee - £20 Home Install Option - £50 Monthly Price - £5 Max Download Speed - up to 16Mb Monthly Usage Cap - Unlimited Free 12 Months McAfee Free Wireless Router Activation Fee - Free Home Install Option - Free Monthly Price - £10 Connect Download Speed - up to 8Mb Monthly Usage Cap - 40GB Free 12 Months McAfee Free Wireless Router Activation Fee - £40 Home Install Option - £50 Monthly Price - £17 Not bad deals if you ask me, I'm hoping to change to the max package, that's if my mum decides she wants to...
these deals look really gud. i dont get y the max deal is up to 16mb unlimited and only ten quid monthly but the connect i up to 8meg and 40 quid activation pluz 17quid monthly
Its because the base, mid and max hasn't started yet. They will be available sometime over the next 12 months. Its just the connect package which is up for grabs at the moment. Ive got my eye on the max one too, but I think the lines around here can only offer up to 8mb, I'll have to see when the time comes. It might be better to go for the mid if you cant get up to 16mb in your area. I doubt ive ever used more than 40gb of bandwidth in a month so..... Depends how reliable it is too. I remember having murder with freeserve a few years back. Im on pipex at the moment which has got worse over the 3-4 years so reliability is something I must have.
if I go for the £10/month offer, I can save around £25 per month from my current provider. Also I am hoping o2 offer something similar like orange do, since o2 did but Be ADSL I think.
Why dont they just comes up with these kind of deals in NZ........NZ ISP's sucks. I am still on 256kbps...huh! and paying more than you guys pay for your 2Mb connection.
Sky's slowest upload is 400kb and the fastest, on the max package is 768kb. Sweden is the best for broadband apparently. They have super speeds and its dead cheap too. I heard about it a few years ago from some swedish guy playing Delta Force 2. Im sure he said it was a flat fee, dirt cheap cheap. Maybe the whole system is owned by the swedish government. I cant find much about it other than in 2001 they had 24mb broadband. New LLU ISP to offer 24meg broadband | The Register I found this, BREDBANDSBOLAGET 320 kronar is about £23, and thats for 100mb! I don't know what the 495kr is (connection maybe?) but thats £36.
hmmm when max comes out, do you think they would let you have max even tho you can only get 2mb max in your area lol? coz anything other than unlimited download is crap, 40gb may be ok, but i think i use more than that a month.
If the service is good I'll have no problems with the service. I pay £17.99 a month for 2mbit and 256k upload. Its reliable and fast, but i'm limited to my cable connection, with ADSL I can have the modem in other places. Could save me a lot, come on Sky.
Hmm, really before they start brining all these broadband packages out, they should get BT to pull there finger outa there ass and start giving everyone the decent speed broadband
Yeah, I'm still stuck on 512kbps (sorry karanislove and Exfoliate, I know it must seem fast to you) but it's getting ridiculous when people I know have had free upgrades and I'm stuck with the same as BT can't upgrade me.
Hehe telewest give free upgrades alot....its great. Itll be even better if they retaliate to the sky prices like they do to NTL
Soon Telewest will have a bazillion billion GBPS broadband lol, there getting faster all the time. Telewest is the best i think, its sad that i cant get it in my area, i cant even get cable in my area lol.
I have heard rumers in here about Telecom has been bankrupt and sold to outsiders. Chances are getting cheapo Bband now soon by the end of this year....