Sony Introduces iPod Challenger

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by Big B, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    DailyTech is reporting Sony's CE-P hand-held music/photo player has been unveiled in China.

    Visually, the CE-P series features a 1.5-inch 260,000 color OLED display with a resolution of 128x128 pixels. The player will also feature two languages, simplified Chinese and English which may hint at a greater target market. The CE-P has a USB 2.0 interface to connect to PCs for transferring media although there is no word of PlayForSure compatibility. The CE-P lines is only about 1.8-inches wide and about 3-inches tall which makes this one of Sony's smallest portable audio devices yet.

    While it is Sony and it does use flash memory, the estimated $150 retail price doesn't sound too bad. Read it.
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    0 looks very nice, looks like it would make competition for the nano, at least.
  3. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I know at least one person who simply hates iTunes with a passion simply because the songs have to be in MP4 format and can only be uploaded through iTunes. If Sony and other companies can make something that's less of a hassle for people who have their music pre-ripped in a non-MP4 format (I have a lot of my stuff in WMA), that's pretty attractive in itself.
  4. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Seems pretty nice and it's always nice too see battery life well beyond the nothing special iPod times but the resolution seems pretty dinky for an otherwise sleek 'player.
  5. ninja fetus

    ninja fetus I'm a thugged out gangsta

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    creative's line of portable media is incredibly under rated

    like my creative zen touch, i get 24 to 27 hours of continuous playback on one charge. sure it is a little bigger than an ipod, about the size of a pocket bible. it costs less than an ipod, can use whatever to organize media on it and the battery is extremely easy to replace once it does finally die.
  6. StimpE

    StimpE lol, Internet!

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    I totally agree, I have a 1gb Creative MuVo Mp3 player and I get awesome battery life with the thing and it only uses a single AAA battery. It's very portable and I couldn't ask for a better music device.
  7. Wouter

    Wouter Big Geek

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  8. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    That is the reason why I won't buy an iPod+iTunes

    Sony have tried 3 or 4 times to oust Apple from the top spot. The problem is that Sony's products are so out of touch these days. The glory days of the walkman have long gone. Personally I think their new 'iPod Killer' looks just as bad as their previous attempts. Although the 'Sony Bean' really took the buscuit!
  9. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    Yes, but look on the bright side: at least Sony isn't introducing another proprietary format. For me personally, I'd rather have one of those CD players that can play MP3's off a CD in a snap. However, seeing as I pretty much listen to music in my car, I probably won't get any music player.

    I'd forgotten about the Zen's, not to mention the Nomad.
  10. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Looks really nice..but Apple continue bringing out product I think people will still buy them over superior products bcoz they have a similar hold on the MP3 market and Windows does on the OS market...well they do in my opinion.
  11. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    I believe in music side, sony has a better place then Microsoft or Apple.... doesnt matter if its a mobile, a car audio, speakers, Home theatres or TV.......they are the best in music. I like their products personally.

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