Hi, for the past few days, i have been getting this wierd yellow triangle with a ! symbol in it, i know its spyware becouse it wont stop popping up, i have had it before, and this spyware always emits a popup and if you click on it, it installs somthing, luckily for me i am using a copy of windows that i modified using Nlite, and i disabled taskbar popups, but still, i am getting verry annoyed by it's presents, any ideas on how to remove it? my virus scanner picked up about 30 viruses, and my spyware scanner picked up about 26 spyware but still it has not got rid of this Screenie below: (you can see the triangle thing in the taskbar at the bottom)
hello there firtly try using Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Personal and Microsoft Defender(see links below) its free and does the job. take these nice tips i believe will be usefull 1. update your definitions before going into safemode, 2. always do your spy spring-cleaning in safe mode, this illiminates any deleting error caused by the threat being used in your system thus deleting the file without it in your memory, switch your pc off from the mains for at least 20 seconds to remove any threats still in memory before doing the scans here are your software links Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition - Free Software Downloads and Software Reviews - Download.com Windows Defender home
I agree with Newpaws...1 more tool ALSO to have in the spyware arsenal is Spybot(also free)...between those three, your spyware should be gone! A multi-spy software approach is the best way to keep spyware in check, no one spyware seems to get it all. I'm sure others will disagree with me, but from my experience, it depends on where and how you browse...
i allready have Spybot s&d and Adaware SE personal, but not tryed it in safemode, but will do Thanks all.
If you hover your mouse over the exclamation mark, what does it say? Can you right-click the icon; does a menu pop up? Let me give you a tip: DO NOT RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR!!
As I mentioned in the XP guide, running as a restricted user you are less likely to get infected by a virus. As a restricted user, you are not able to change important, system-wide variables. The virus, to do it's job properly, has to make these changes. When a virus infects a computer, it inherits the users permissions, so if you can't make important changes to the computer, nor can the virus. Obviously, this is not enough to stop some viruses, due to the many flaws of the Windows OS, but running as a restricted user does take care of most of them.
It reduces the propability of infection by viruses. Suppose you have an AV installed on your system... Can you say that you are completely secured from Viruses? No!! but you know that you have a program to fight with lots of viruses out there. So, what its doing is reducing the propability of infection by viruses.. There is one more thing, did you ever tried installing softwares under your Guest/restricted account? You cannt and if you can then you cannot send registry files to win registry of the programme. I believe mega will provide you a lot better desc. than this if this doesnt make your mind clear~!
For those viruses that are smart enough to tackle NTFS permissions, you'd better hope you've got good anti-virus software, such as Avast. Another way to stop a virus from spreading is by password protecting your email account - assuming you use Outlook or Thunderbird. The easiest way for a virus to spread is to look through your address book and send emails to everyone.
why would i want to run as a restricted user when that way i cant install all my apps and i gotta keep switching user accounts, someone said somewere about it been bad practice to use admin acounts once tho.
You must have read this in Megamaced WinXP Security Guide but I think you didnt read the whole thing properly. He has stated one more thing in that security guide....If you want to run/install a program in a restricted area then right click on the file and click run as(you might need to press and hold the shift button also)... Computer will ask you the admin password and voilla..... Your program will run with admin rights.....
Thanks for saving me having to type that all out Also Willz, if you want to run a control panel item, such as Add/Remove Programs, you just have to hold down the shift key and right click it. Then choose 'Run As..'
hmmm, i always wondered what that run as was for lol, but everytime i want to run that iten i gotta press run as right?
nah, i am going to install fresh copy of windows, i need to any, creative entertainment center wont install, need it for dts and 5.1 DD, and my computer is slow as hell since i took 512mb stick of ram out, if i have a fresh copy i can check what makes it slower, might have some faulty software on, i used NLITE to make a slipstreamed copy of my xp, the instalation is smaller and was quicker at first start, but by it has got slow quicker, i dont understand :s its a slipstreamed version of windows with non of the crap in, yet it slows down faster, always programs not responding, yet nearly all of my programs aint installed, i just ru them from there instalations i keep on a sepearate hdd, i checked for spyware, got non now, defraged the main hdd, windows is just been plane retarded and its pissin me off, if only linux could run AOL software and play all games properly and get nice GUI's like windows blinds has to offer and run all the windows apps i use, then i might of put linux on my main rig, i have never gone over 3 months wihtought a fresh install of windows, and some people have one install of windows last them like 3 years
[ot] That's a nice piece, AT. Sums up quite nicely the ineffiencies of Windows NTFS permissions. It's true that alot of Windows applications wont run without admininstrative rights. Grand Theft Auto 2 requires Admin rights and it just leaves me thinking - why? Why does a game like GTA require such privileges? It's just bad programming, a typical Windows app. Not only that, but the test examination program I got with my MCSE book requires administrative rights!! And this program was made by Microsoft![/ot] Generally speaking, you only need to use the Run As command if you want to perform an administrative task, such as installing a program or performing a system wide change. Why would you want to run your Windows applications on Linux anyway? Most Linux programs are far better then their Windows counterparts. What programs are you refering to, specifically?