Anyone else here playing The Witcher? What do you think of it? Any (general) combat tips? I'm having a hard time getting used to the combat... also camera acts weird sometimes when running around.
well, i haven't played it yet, but i'm definitely putting my interest in this thread, as i thought the game looked kinda good, but i've heard a lot of mixed reviews on it.
Ive been playing it for a while, got to through the first area (the village) and now at the end of the city/swamp. However COD4 and Crysis then took center stage on my computer, not loaded it in a month. Very good though, planning to have it done by xmas hopefully. Some people comment about not liking the combat system, sure it is a little clunky, but the storyline more than makes up for any shortcommings.
Just to get back, I finished it for the second time couple of weeks ago and it's great... good story, GREAT fighting system (at least for me) a good ambience and lots to do... Witcher was definitely one of the best games of the last year for me (actually, for me it was the best). Right now I'm enjoying the 'mindless' simplicity and simple beauty of Jade Empire... it's sort of like Double Dragon in the Middle East, but with magic added, with the usual Yin-Yang stuff, and a better story.
im thinking about buying the witcher but i seen they have the witcher enhanced out is that just the witcher with more stuff and better graphics ? ( like a collectors addition ) or an expansion to the witcher ?
The enhanced edition is a free update patch for those who already own the original legally. If you buy the enhanced edition off the bat it just means you wont have to install all the updates. If you apply the patch over an original game you will have to start again from the beginning however (as with all witcher updates - pretty poor programming if you ask me)
My sentiments exactly, even some of the best games i'll never play more than once. the very few exceptions to this have been: FFVII FFVIII FFIX Morrowind Witcher doesnt do enough for me to want to start over again, don't get me wrong i think it was a good game, just not that good.
need some advice on how to kill the chapter 1 boss the fire hound thing i save the witch then it just spawns me there and they all attack the witch so no more healing for me then i get my ass raped in like 10 seconds
Aha i remember that being an very steep learning curve - i think i used like every potion I had to get through that - are you doing the enhanced version then?