The screenshots for Unreal 3 are just insane, I don't know how they can make every single detail stand out like that, it's beyond me. Every image just screams "Systme requirments please!" (and for once a when people say "photo realistic" they mean it, sorry, but Doom 3 just isn't). zRock is probably the only one of us who could even both trying to run it when it comes out in 2006 (hopefully). Who cares what the gameplay's like, I just want to look around. Thing will be like 4 dual-layer DVD's probably and require at least a 3.0GHz processor, 512MB's or vram, and a gig or two of memory I'll bet, and that's minimum. Check it out Or google it.
While it does look good, I wouldn't go so far as to say "photo realism" I think it's a lot better than the previous Unreal, but once again.. not photo realistic.
Okay, well maybe I got a little carried away but you've got to admit it blows anything else away. Looks about as good as that movie "Final Fantasy" form 2001 I think it was (pretty cool movie). It's hard to judge photo realism when you're looking at things that don't actually exist too ya know.
:swear: me that looks good........... Up until I got my new AMD Rig, I've been able to play every UT game to date getting "Holy Sh1t" from the announcer, but only on 1024x768. My AMD, or Insanely MAD rig, didn't even stuggle @ 1600x1200 This is gonna make my rig cry :x:, on max anyway I'm thinking those SLI graphics configs are gonna pay off. huh?
I'm sure my trusty Duron will be able to play it. 800MHz of pure power! Yea Unreal 3 blows everything away, with their new physics engine which seemed amazing and better than any game seen graphics some people just might need an upgrade.
u kno its 64 bit color? the reason its so awesome too is because it ben done on the latest version of maya which i want sooooo much but it costs 3.5 grand.
64bit colour? Why would it need the extra burden of rendering 64bit colour since the human eye can't distinguish between the millions of colours 32bit allows.
Pretty nifty looking game there, but I care about the gameplay really (as some of you may know) and plotline, Unreal 1 had a semi-ok-ish one, Unreal 2 did to an extent, though the fact that levels were covered up by missions. Let's just hope we can get some good storyline and possibly some alternate endings into this one? *Extremely hopeful look* [WWR loves multiple endings]
Yeah I was wondering about the 64-bit color thing too, also wont all the LCD monitors explode when the game opens as they only support like 16.7 million? That's one reason to get a CRT if I'm correct (probably not). Yeah Maya is a hugely expensive program, which definaltly explains the awesome visuals, pixar uses Maya right?
I hope they have better titles off this engine than UE2.0...Unreal 2 and Deus Ex: Invisible War were so disappointing, and show that a pretty interface doesn't make up for a good gaming experience. UT2004 was about the only good thing I've played off that engine. Pariah could be a winner, but that's not in stores (yet, will be soon).
Pretty sure CRT's are only limeted to the video adapter in place, in other words a billion colors or whatever should work just fine, not that you'd notice as Addis said but there must be something to it as they wouldn't advertise it otherwise.
I think CRT's do 32bit colour or 2^32 which roughly equates to 4 billion. Not much use if your colour blind heh?
unreal isn't reli awesome in storylines, but if you put together such a popular online game with graphics like THAT its gonna be phenomenal